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October 29, 2018


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I don't want to spoil the good feelings that accompany this piece, nor the warm sentiments.

Without commenting therefore on the piece itself, it should be noted that the sometime outpouring of "actually Jews are good people" when Jews are attacked is sort of offensive. (This doesn't happen when Jews in Israel are attacked, btw. They are "Zionist criminals" to so many in legal academia.)

We often hear a like outpouring when Muslims are attacked, and sometimes, Hispanics, but other groups, not so much (e.g., Reporter, walking thru the neighborhood: "We visited the Muslim community in Queens and what we found were (sounding surprised) seemingly actual human beings living lives like other humans do.")

We don't need anyone to vouch for the value of Jewish lives, or the lives of any other humans, after breaking us down into bogus categories and sub-types.

That is the problem, not the solution. I don't need anyone to tell me that "Jewish lives" are worthy of respect. I find the notion of "Jewish lives" offensive. Are we not human? Arguing about whether hating and killing Jews is justified or unjustified makes my skin crawl. Why not condemn bigotry and hatred and leave out the character references?

And, Kosher salt is different. It is more course, and therefor has a different flavor profile. Any chef will so attest.

Dan Mage

I don’t really understand the purpose of your comment. The article doesn’t refer to any of the statements you made. It talks about first hand experiences, and community. I thought it was interesting and heartwarming. Your points are fine, but they don’t refer to this article. You chose the wrong time to take a stand.

And your last comment about salt is snarky and unnecessary. Clearly, you didn’t understand the purpose and spirit of the article. Or you just didn’t read it, Either way your comments are very poor.


Google "Kosher Salt" (you might start with wiki; really, any good source will do).

Perhaps then, when you learn about it, and then you might be able to understand how three paragraphs, from the post above, in particular, and in the larger context into which these statements fit (in my view) hit a reader who isn't enthralled by the essay, despite its sincerity, warm tone and even the vouching for Jews (because, in particular, Mrs. Goldbach was welcoming and some neighbors came to the author's father's aid when "young white males" maliciously beat him):

"Morton’s is celebrated in marketing circles as iconic for getting people to perceive their salt – Morton’s salt – as somehow “different” – more pure, better tasting, healthier – than any other brand of salt. ... [A]nyone who has tried Kosher salt comes to the realization that Kosher salt – is salt. ... [W]e come to realize that, despite the religious significance, at its core, all salt – even Kosher salt –is salt."

Do we care how others perceive koshering, the lack of iodine, crystal size affect on palate and measuring, and all the rest? The fact that "Morton's Kosher Salt" has no religious significance whatsoever? Hardly.

An anti-Semite shooting Jews is not, IMHO, an occasion to discuss the fact that there are in the world "good Jews" ... and it is certainly not an occasion to analyze "Jewish culture" at all (especially inaccurately, as in this case in some instances, and irrelevantly, in others).

I'm sorry. I can perceive that the essay was well intentioned. But, perhaps the author chose the wrong time to publish it.


Re-publish, that is. And, perhaps the author can't be faulted for that, as it seems that Prof Lubet asked him to do that.

Rethinking, maybe that is the disconnect. Perhaps the author wouldn't have written this essay, at this time, in any attempt to make any point about the recent attack or in an effort to link this essay to that tragic event.


Way to miss the point, anon. He was talking about this _neighborhood_. The same neighborhood where this horrific thing happened. And it was written long before these events. And his point about kosher salt is, while it has religious significance and use for some, it’s salt. (There is plenty of other coarse salt without additives—sea salt, for one. Also salt.)

Every time a terrible shooting happens we learn a million things about the shooter. I, for one, am grateful for everything I have learned about the victims and the community they come from. Would it still be horrific if this hadn’t been such a lovely place—if more people had been like you and not the writer? Of course.

Your willingness to tease out cynical interpretations is exactly what is wrong with the world. This was a love letter to a neighborhood and you are busy looking for the catch.

Heal yourself. Accept love when offered. Then heal the world.

Ann Schurman

Holy cow! Someone can't publish a warm loving remembrance without being critized for it!!!??

The Law Offcies of Kavanaugh Thomas, LLC, PC, LTD, Chartered, AV Rated

Schurman^^^^You asked for WARMTH? What are you talking about. The chill wind has been blowing from the East since 1-20-17, 12:01 pm EDT.



Your compassion and understanding notwithstanding, I adhere to my point. I could illustrate this point by simply reversing the ethnicities/races, but then likely you would all be up in arms about how insensitive (and perhaps worse) that would be. Anecdotal reminiscing about "good Jews" in the world is not appropriate, in my view, to make a point relevant to the fact that once again Jews have again been slaughtered for being Jewish. Jews don't need to prove their lives are worthy of freedom from slaughter. No character witness is necessary.

But I understand that Lubet felt otherwise by reposting now, and, apparently, the author did as well. Again, I acknowledge that sentiment, and pointed out above my recognition that this essay was written before the incident to which it is now, asserted to be relevant.

As for missing the point, Rebecca, this sentence sort of proves that the kettle, as usual, is on full boil: "kosher salt is, while it has religious significance and use for some, it’s salt. (There is plenty of other coarse salt without additives—sea salt, for one. Also salt.)"

No. "Kosher salt" is not just like any other "salt" and has no religious significance at all. You seem to lack understanding here about the difference between koshering and the other desirable aspects of the composition and uses of "Kosher salt." Many chefs use it because, as you also point out, it has properties (crystal size, lack of iodine, measuring, etc.) that are desired, albeit shared by other varieties of salt.

The point here is that to insist that Jews attribute some magical "religious" quality to "Morton's Kosher salt" is offensive and demeaning, even if it was intended only to say that a good Jewish woman wasn't special at all because she was Jewish, she was just the "salt of the earth" like everybody else.


BTW, Rebecca, I forgot to thank you for saying that slaying me for my opinions would nevertheless be horrific. ("Would it still be horrific if this hadn’t been such a lovely place—if more people had been like you and not the writer?")


Faith in God affords equality of spirit. We should pray every day, no matter the circumstances. We should also remember, what God gives, life can take away.

A beautiful article,


Dave Garrow

I live in Squirrel Hill. For *months* I've asked Al, & by extension Dan, to ban "anon" comments on TFL. Why they have not, I can't fathom, but wow do I renew that request after seeing some of the comments above here.


Well, Dave. At least you haven't called for death to those with whom you disagree. Silencing should suffice, apparently, in your view.

There is nothing said above to merit either response.

That said, I would happily abide by any rule TFL adopts. ANd, given the reaction of some to a different (mine only?) pov, a ban on all anonymous commenting would preclude many, but not all, of my comments (I readily concede this). Again, whatever the rule, I will respect it.

I wonder if you would ban all "anonymous" comments, or just mine?

The Law Offcies of Kavanaugh Thomas, LLC, PC, LTD, Chartered, AV Rated


While I do not agree with many of your comments, I do agree that folks should be allowed to post anonymous comments. This is a professional blog covering the law. That would include attorneys. Us attorneys have professional obligations to our clients including the duty of loyalty and confidentiality. Many of us would be unable to share "war stories," courtroom experiences and general comments about the state of the profession if we had to use our real names. I do not want to come even close to posting identifying information.

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