From a recent email message:
New England Law | Boston is currently accepting applications for the position of New England Law Faculty Fellow. The law school anticipates hiring multiple fellows for the 2025-2026 academic year. Fellows teach three courses in the academic year, one or two of which are core courses. Fellows receive mentoring and guidance in teaching, research, and scholarship from New England Law faculty and participate in all aspects of the New England Law community. Fellows will receive research support, including research and travel funds. Fellows are expected to be in full-time residence during the fellowship.
New England Law is seeking applicants with at least three years of significant post-graduate legal experience and strong potential for teaching, research, and scholarship. This year, the law school is particularly interested in applications from candidates interested in teaching first-year doctrinal courses, particularly civil procedure, contracts, property, and torts, as well as upper-level courses in administrative law, business organizations, commercial law, family law, and tax. Salaries for the fellowship will be competitive with those offered by similar programs. Fellows will receive the New England Law employee benefits package. Initial fellow appointments are for one year, beginning August 1, 2025. New England Law expects that most fellows will serve for two years and participate in the law school faculty hiring market during the second year of the fellowship. Fellows may apply for tenure-track or other positions at New England Law, should they become available.
Located in downtown Boston, New England Law is noted for providing a welcoming community and early access to practical experience. Founded in 1908 as Portia Law School, the only law school established exclusively for the education of women, our institution has been coeducational since 1938.
Individuals interested in applying for the fellowship should submit a letter of application, a résumé or curriculum vitae, a statement of interest including a research proposal, and the names and contact information of three references. These materials may be submitted via email to [email protected], with the subject line “Faculty Fellows Application.”
The Faculty Appointments Committee will begin reviewing applications as they are received and applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.