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January 07, 2025


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LawProf John Banzhaf

It’s interesting to learn that “female and male academies were allowed in the pre-Civil War South,” especially since, even into the late 1980s, both the Virginia Military Institute [VMI] in Lexington, Virginia, and The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, discriminated on the basis of sex in refusing to admit females as cadets.

I helped put an end to this by filing a formal legal complaint against The Citadel. See, e.g.


“John Banzhaf III, a professor of law and legal activism at the National Law Center at George Washington University, has filed a sex-discrimination complaint with the Justice Department and the House subcommittee against The Citadel, claiming the all-male bastion should admit women to its program because it receives state and federal support. . . .
Banzhaf, in the complaint filed with the House panel, contends that the federal government would never think of supporting any program where blacks or Jews are excluded.
'Why then at The Citadel, where the discrimination is based on sex rather than race or religion?” the complaint asks.”

Although the practice was finally put to bed by a decision involving VMI - United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996) - the first female admitted to either of these two schools proudly and openly practicing sex discrimination was allowed into the entering class at The Citadel.

When both schools finally surrendered, an interesting additional issue arose. Although The Citadel and the major military academies used different standards of physical fitness for males and females, VMI required that all cadets meet the tougher standards traditionally applied to its male cadets.

Al Brophy

At least secondary schools. Rare.

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