Florida State University College of Law seeks at least one Visiting Assistant Professor, to begin in the 2025-2026 academic year. The College is located in the heart of downtown Tallahassee – the capital of the nation’s third largest state – across the street from the Florida Supreme Court and one block from the Florida Capitol.
The College is seeking scholar-teachers interested in future appointment as tenure-track members of a law faculty. This VAP is an opportunity for individuals coming from clerkships, fellowships, or legal practice to enhance their CV with close faculty mentorship in preparation for entering the academic market.
Subject areas of particular interest include, law & technology, business law (especially tax law), family law, criminal law, environmental law, gender & the law, and race & the law, but individuals with any area of scholarly and teaching interest will be considered. VAPs spend up to two academic years in residence at FSU.
The College expects that VAPs produce at least one work of original scholarship with guidance and mentoring from FSU Law faculty members over the course of the two-year position. In the first year of the VAP appointment, each VAP teaches one course of his or her choice and design, subject to curricular needs. In the second year, each VAP teaches two courses. VAPs are welcome to attend all faculty activities open to visiting professors, including faculty workshops and conferences.
Each VAP will have at least one opportunity to present a paper in the faculty workshop series. Each VAP receives an office amidst other members of the faculty as well as administrative and secretarial support. VAPs have no administrative responsibilities.
The annual salary for each VAP is $80,000, plus benefits (including health insurance). Each VAP also will receive a supplementary research budget for travel to conferences and other academic expenses.
To apply, please email Lauren Scholz, Chair of VAP Appointments Committee, at [email protected] with the following materials.
- A 1-2 page research agenda
- A CV
Please see AALS for descriptions and examples of the above. Short-listed candidates will be also asked to produce an academic or professional writing sample and references. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until January 31, 2025, or until positions are filled.
FSU is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran