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August 24, 2024


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For my money, the best Joe Cocker cover of The Beatles - little-known, superior to the original and with Jimmy Page on guitar

A non

What do your musical preferences, fine as they are, have to do with a law blog?

Why don't you just stop?

Barton Swinney

There are those of us who very much appreciate the musical interludes. If you don't like them just don't click on the blog uniil Monday. Better yet, if you do click, don't go negative; embrace the Joy!

Barton Swinney

A blast from the past: It is said, Paul McCartney was killed in an auto wreck in 1966 ("He blew his mind out in a car"). His death was covered up by getting a double named “Billy Shears” and that he successfully impersonated Paul “with a little help from my friends.” John, at the end of “Strawberry Fields Forever” on the Magical Mystery Tour album says “I buried Paul.” Try it and listen carefully.


Note: Tongue firmly in cheek.

Richard Zitrin

Joe Cocker's cover is perhaps the second-best ever, behind Aretha's Respect and just ahead of Marvin Gaye's Grapevine and Aretha's (yes, her again) Say a Little Prayer.

Richard Zitrin

But the great secret of the Cocker version is how much the arrangement IS different. It’s a totally new song. Did Denny Cordell do the arrangement? Or did it just come from an organ and guitar riff? My guess is Cordell.

Those three strong chords in the beginning are the ones most often reprised in other Friends covers. As good and clean as the Beatles original is, it’s the Cocker cover that lends itself so much better to getting covered in turn. A rock anthem.

Interesting that the other 3 covers I cited also completely change the originals.

Richard Zitrin

And how come James Taylor, no matter whose song he's singing, always makes it sound like a James Taylor song? ;)

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