This just in:
The International Academy for the Study of Jurisprudence of the family (IASJF) is pleased to send this reminder about its fifteenth international Symposium – on “Disability and the Family” – on Wednesday and Thursday, June 19-20, 2024. The Symposium will be hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Zaragoza in the city of Zaragoza, Spain, and co-organized by the Department of Law of the University of Verona, Italy. The Symposium will address the wide range of legal and social issues relevant to, or otherwise drawing upon the larger theme of disability in the family setting. A special focus will be the protection of persons with disabilities in the digital environment. Papers dealing with disability as an aspect of the more general issue of vulnerability in the family will also be accepted and will be featured in a special panel entitled: “Beyond disabilities: Protection of vulnerable persons in the family”. Interdisciplinary presentations are also welcome. In addition to English-language sessions, the conference will include at least one Spanish-language session.
Persons wishing to present a scholarly paper should submit a short abstract in English or Spanish of the paper they propose (no more than 200 words) including a working title, name, institutional affiliation, and full contact information of the author(s). Proposals should be sent to Professor Stefano Troiano ([email protected]) by May 6, 2024. Proposals for the Spanish-language session must also be accompanied by an abstract in English. Acceptances will be on a rolling-acceptance basis.
All symposium participants must register ($125 Academy Members, $170 non-Members, $125 Participants from Spain) and pay for their own transportation and hotel. Online registration is open on the IASJF website ( The registration fee includes all symposium meals. An optional tour of Zaragoza (not included in the fee) is scheduled for June 21, 2024.