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April 20, 2023


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How can GGU Law continue to pretend it is a viable law school?
In its 2022 Standard 509 Information Report, GGU Law reported 31 full-time faculty members and total of 20 full time students in its first-year class.
The reported Bar Pass rate?
I must be reading these reports wrong. Mea culpa. Where is David Frakt when needed?
Notably and according to new stories, the tiny handful of students doesn't even have to pay!
Wouldn't it be in the nature of the ABA's basic mission to take real action here? Or, the DOE? Or, the faculty itself? (resign)
At least it appears that the Dean is leaving.
Who do you think will take his place?
One of the faculty members who helped ruin this once proud institution? One would expect arrogance; never contrition.
This faculty should immediately resign to signify recognition of their utter failure to maintain GGU Law at an acceptable level.


And, btw, there is THIS

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