The world goes round. Neeli Bendapudi, Penn State's president, is recommending that the university reverse the previous decision to separate its two law school campuses in to two separately ABA accredited schools and instead merge them back into one. The plan is for the new school to become Penn State Dickinson Law - based primarily in Carlisle. It will be lead by Penn State Dickinson Law's current dean, Danielle Conway - and based on the recommendation, Penn State University Park is canceling its dean search. Deets here.
That's surprising. I guess the main campus can always use the space, but odd no synergy there so back to Carlisle.
Posted by: AmberCat | December 01, 2022 at 08:52 PM
It has been interesting to see the one school-two campuses debate unfold in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Rutgers went the direction of one school, two campuses. Widener went the direction of two separate schools from its former one school, two campuses. And, of course, then there is Penn State.
Posted by: Zeus | December 03, 2022 at 11:09 AM
David Frakt
Have you been keeping up with news about GGU Law's "plans" for the future? ABA action?
(Any plans re: GGU's real estate holdings?)
Seems a post would be of interest.
Posted by: anon | December 04, 2022 at 01:30 AM