Below is a poem from a social media friend. When I read it, I cried. Perhaps when some of you read it, you might reflect that much more on the protests, the Black Lives Matter movement, and so many other related issues
And They Did Nothing...
Face Down.
Knee on his neck.
They did nothing.
He called the officer "Sir."
They did nothing.
He begged for his life.
He begged for water.
He begged for mercy.
They did nothing.
His nose bled.
His body trembled.
He lost control of his bladder.
They did nothing.
He cried out, "I can't breathe."
They did nothing.
Twelve more times.
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
They did nothing.
One last time, he gasped, "I can't breathe."
They did nothing.
He lost consciousness.
They did nothing.
An EMT demanded they check his pulse.
Sixteen times.
She knew.
They did nothing.
Deprived of oxygen.
His organs screaming.
His brain frantic.
They did nothing.
They watched George Floyd die.
His life fading.
A slow death.
They did nothing.
For eight agonizing minutes.
Four officers watched.
A knee on his neck.
A lynching on the ground.
They did nothing.
He cried out for his Mom.
A grown man.
She gave him life.
He feared joining her in death.
And still they did nothing.
A black man.
And still, they've done nothing.
Probable Cause exists.
A Double Standard exists.
The officers should be arrested.
And yet... still... they've done nothing.
This is the picture of George with his mother.
May they both rest in peace.
May justice be served.
Pray they do something.
By Michelle Lorenz
"Perhaps when some of you read it, you might reflect that much more on the protests, the Black Lives Matter movement, and so many other related issues."
And if, after reading the poem, and upon further reflection, we still think the protests are completely disgraceful - not simply because of the sheer numbers of people participating, but the modes of undertaking, putting many lives directly and indirectly in jeopardy, and thereby undermining efforts to curb a pandemic, what then?
And if upon even further reflection we determine that Black Lives Matter, as a distinct movement, as opposed to believing that black lives matter, is just a neoliberal-identity-politics facade that masks the genuine, deeper-rooted, festering bile affecting this country? What then?
And what if, upon considering further evidence and engaging in reflection, we come to determine that the current political happenings are a function of certain political interests exploiting a dangerous situation for their own short-term advantage, ones that are not exactly as advertised, to the detriment of the collective? What then?
And if the data ends up showing that the George Floyds of this country are killed by the police because they are poorest herein and not because of their race, what then?
What happens when Americans stop tolerating this?
Posted by: Anonymous Bosch | June 18, 2020 at 10:57 AM
How brave of you!!
Posted by: Ediberto Roman | June 18, 2020 at 05:20 PM