The Tennessee Higher Education Commission voted 8-5 yesterday to reject the proposed transfer of Valparaiso's law school to Middle Tennessee State University. Nashville Public Radio has the details:
"Technically, Valparaiso was going to transfer its American Bar Association accredited J.D. program and curriculum to MTSU as a gift. The institution announced last fall that it would no longer admit new students after only 29 enrolled. It began looking for merger options. But Mike Krause, executive director of THEC, says the commission is required to approve or disapprove of all proposals for new degree programs at public institutions. And for this particular case, they even hired an outside consultant to conduct a feasibility study on the transfer. . . .
The biggest critics of the transfer came from lawyers and law schools in Memphis and Knoxville, where the state’s only other public law schools are located. Comments generally regarded concerns of a watered down law school market for the state, since Nashville is already home to three law schools — Belmont University, Vanderbilt University and Nashville School of Law. Another school in the city, many said, would take away from other schools’ ability to compete, even if it’s a public option. And with higher education excellence often tied to career attainment outcomes, it would also saturate an already dense legal labor market, they said. MTSU’s transfer of a law school would make it even more difficult for law school graduates to find work."
Here's a link to the full NPR story.
I can't believe anyone would have voted in favor. A state the size of Tennessee does not need 7 law schools!
Posted by: Anon | October 16, 2018 at 09:45 PM
Must be real practicing everyday courtroom lawyers making the decision, not the Gucci loafer elite Brett Kavanaugh Big Law crowd. They sit like demi-gods in their wood paneled billing out at $1200 per hour. Finally a decision that benefits small law and solos. Were tired of struggling along at $45K a year trying to undercut another guy in the same position.
Posted by: The Law Offcies of Kavanaugh Thomas, LLC, PC, LTD, Chartered, AV Rated | October 18, 2018 at 09:25 AM
Why don't they try Ebay or Re Max or something next? Do they have a "For Sale" sign on the lawn? Maybe get some colored flags, search lights, pop corn, hot dogs, B-Lister stars, Bounce House, D-J, Rebates. Buy a Law School, Get a Check...maybe even throw in free light bill coverage for 6 months---move in special!!!!!
Posted by: The Law Offcies of Kavanaugh Thomas, LLC, PC, LTD, Chartered, AV Rated | October 18, 2018 at 05:09 PM