I am excited to participate in an election law symposium at Howard University School of Law on Thursday. If you are in the Washington D.C. area, please join us. Professor Guy-Uriel Charles is giving the keynote address. Here are the details:
Fifteenth Annual Wiley A. Branton/Howard Law Journal Symposium
Howard University School of Law
2900 Van Ness Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20008
Moot Court Room | 9:00AM-5:00PM
The Howard Law Journal Presents the 15th annual Wiley A. Branton Symposium. For the past 14 years the Branton Symposium has been a way to commemorate Dean Branton's legacy. This year's theme is our ailing electoral process, where our esteemed panelists discuss the wider range of conduct that has affected our electoral process.
This Year's Symposium Is Entitled:
"We The People? Internal and External Challenges to
The American Electoral Process"
Thursday, October 11, 2018 - From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
General Outline of Symposium Day Program
8:00am – Continental Breakfast
9:30am – Program Begins - Introductions
This year's Symposium will feature two panels. Below is a complete list of our distinguished panelists.
Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression - Internal Challenges to our Electoral Process (10:00 AM),
Moderator: Justin Hansford, Associate Professor at Law, Howard University School of Law
Luis Fuentes-Rohwer | The Harry T. Ice Faculty Fellow, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Derek T. Muller | Associate Professor of law, Pepperdine School of Law
Joshua Sellers | Associate Professor of Law, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Michael Li | Senior Counsel, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice
Guy-Uriel Charles | Edward & Ellen Schwarzman Professor of Law, Duke Law School and Bennett Boskey Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Guy-Uriel Charles is the founding director of the Duke Law Center on Law, Race and Politics. He is an expert in and frequent public commentator on constitutional law, election law, campaign finance, redistricting, politics, and race. He joined Duke Law's faculty in 2009; he previously was the Russell M. and Elizabeth M. Bennett Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Law School.
Professor Charles is co-founder of the Colored Demos blog,coloreddemos.blogspot.com, and a reviewer for Stanford University Press, University of Chicago Press, and NYU Press. He has published articles in Constitutional Commentary, The Michigan Law Review, The Michigan Journal of Race and Law, The Georgetown Law Journal, The Journal of Politics, The California Law Review, The North Carolina Law Review, and others.
Professor Charles received his JD from the University of Michigan Law School and clerked for The Honorable Damon J. Keith of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. While at the University of Michigan, he was the founder and first editor-in-chief of the Michigan Journal of Race & Law. From 1995-2000, he was a graduate student in political science at the University of Michigan.
Professor Charles joined the University of Minnesota Law School faculty in 2000 and later served as interim co-dean there. He was named the Stanley V. Kinyon Teacher of the Year for 2002-2003. He has been a visiting professor at Georgetown, Virginia, and Columbia law schools. A past member of the National Research Commission on Elections and Voting and the Century Foundation Working Group on Election Reform, Professor Charles has served as the director of the Institute for Law & Politics, a Senior Fellow in Law and Politics at the Institute on Race and Poverty, and a Law School Faculty Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Political Psychology, University of Minnesota. Guy-Uriel Charles is the founding director of the Duke Law Center on Law, Race and Politics.
Foreign Interference and Social Media- External influences on our Election Process (3:00 PM),
Moderator: Darin Johnson, Associate Professor, Howard University School of Law
Anthony Gaughan | Professor of Law, Drake University Law School
Atiba R. Ellis | Professor of Law, Marquette University Law School
Lenese Herbert | Professor of Law, Howard University School of Law
4:15pm – Closing Remarks
4:30pm – Post-Symposium Reception
Please follow us on Twitter and Instagram @HULawJournal for updates and retweet our conference announcements using #Branton2018 and #HUSLReclaimingOurVote.
Yes, it's when two North Dakota oil workers override the will of 63 million voters.
Posted by: The Law Offcies of Kavanaugh Thomas, LLC, PC, LTD, Chartered, AV Rated | October 13, 2018 at 09:03 PM