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September 14, 2018


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Marcy Karin

Bridget - Thank you for this thoughtful post, and for your collective work in this space. I look forward to further exploration of some of the themes raised, including how altruism intersects with empowerment and capitalism as well as what role the government should play (if any)in addressing the (un)intended consequences of this intersection. If any colleagues reading this post are interested in learning about laws other than the New York legislation Bridget references, the UDC Legislation Clinic I direct released an issue brief over the summer entitled, “Periods, Poverty, and the Need for Policy: A Report on Menstrual Inequity in the United States.” ( The report grew out of a Congressional Briefing that we held for a non-profit client with the explicit goal of amplifying the voices of the women and girls most affected by a lack of adequate and affordable access to menstrual products, mainly incarcerated women, pre-teen and teenage girls in schools, and homeless and low-income women and girls. Our client’s hope is that this report – both the personal stories and the overview of relevant law and policy it contains – becomes a useful resource for the growing menstrual equity movement that Bridget references in her report. It also should provide useful background for others who may be interested in applying a more academic lens to menstrual issues moving forward.

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