Update 8/15/18: As of August 15, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern, the 2018-2019 ist is now closed. Anyone who wishes to add or make corrections to the list prior to the next edition, please contact bcrawford (at) law dot pace dot edu. The finalized 2018-2019 list will be published here at the Lounge this week.
It’s been more than three years since the last Law Prof Twitter Census here at the Lounge. My anecdotal impression is that the number of Twitter users continues to increase. (For prior surveys, see Version 1.0 here (2012), Version 2.0 here (2012) and Version 3.0 here (2015)).
As with prior versions, the list is meant to cover individual law professor tweeters only (not accounts of groups, programs, blogs, law schools, print publications, students, practitioners, staff). Folks should be full-time law school faculty members (not, say, law-trained profs working in business schools). Non-U.S. law profs very, very welcome.
For this version, I’m trying a new approach for gathering the data. I’ve created a downloadable, sortable spreadsheet that can be edited directly by accessing this link. If you’d like to add your name, or if you would like to add to or modify your existing listing in census, the census calls for:
(a) Your name
(b) Your Twitter handle
(c) Your school affiliation
(d) Up to three subject-matter areas of interest that related to your teaching, scholarship or tweeting (note that the addition of subject-matter interests is new for this edition, so even if you're already included in the census, you may want to add areas of interest).
You can view the current list embedded below, too:
New entries and modifications due August 15, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern. All additions and edits to the list subject to the moderator’s approval. Please do not edit anyone’s information other than your own. If you see errors or corrections that need to be made to a colleague’s entry, feel free to contact that colleague directly and ask the colleague to make the changes.
If the open-edit feature is abused, we’ll go back to the old system of requiring those who would like to be listed to provide their info in the comments to this blog post or to contact me directly: bcrawford (at) law dot pace dot edu. If anyone has any questions about eligibility for listing in the census or any other topic, please also feel free to email me directly. In the meantime, we'll give this data-collection method a try.
No comments approved without a full name and valid email address.
7/30/18: Friendly reminder: please do not change anyone's entry other than your own. Someone seems to have changed the school affiliations of 200+ profs. I will try to fix it the best I can, but if problems persist, the spreadsheet will be made view-only.
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