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July 05, 2018


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Scott Pruitt Edndowed Chair in Enviconmental Justice

Seems simple to me. The police do not want to take a STATEMENTS from innocent people. Colossal waste of time and limited resources.

Officer Krupke: I would like to talk to you about that stolen car in Idaho.

Me: I have never been to Idaho. Although I hear its nice. Good Potatoes.

Officer Krupke: You are right. I am sorry for the bother and your time. Here is a $10.00 Target gift card for your troubles....

See, for a few hundred dollars, most of us high profile, Leading Lawyer, AV Rated boutique bottom feeders will appear at the station house with you to tell Officer Krupke that "we are not talking." Unlike TV, we schmooze with the Officer and they get no confession...

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