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July 27, 2018


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Enrique Guerra Pujol (

Thanks for sharing this link. I still remember seeing a video recording (VHS) of one Younger’s talks during my second summer of law school. It is still the single-best lecture on trial law I have ever seen. 🙃

Anthony Gaughan

It's my pleasure, Enrique. Irving Younger was the best.

Doug Richmond

Younger's Ten Commandments have actually come under criticism from some experienced trial lawyers. See, e.g., Patrick Malone, Burying the Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination, Litigation, Fall 2016.

Anthony Gaughan

You are absolutely right, Doug, and thanks for the reference to the excellent Patrick Malone article. I have always loved the movie "My Cousin Vinny" so it's quite fun to see how Vinny's courtroom strategy violated Professor Younger's Ten Commandments! It would have been a tragedy if Vinny had prematurely cut off the Grits line of questioning. For anyone who is interested, here's the SSRN link to the Malone article:

There is no doubt that many highly skilled trial attorneys do not always follow the Younger approach. Another prominent example is the defense attorney Roy Black, who Malone quotes from in his article. Black wrote a critique called, "Irving Younger's Ungodly Ten Commandments," available here It's a fun and interesting read, just like the Patrick Malone article.

But what I find so striking is that all of these years later, Younger's Ten Commandments remain so relevant and influential that prominent trial attorneys like Malone and Black still reckon with Younger. The bottom line is Malone and Black are extremely experienced attorneys who know the Younger Commandments so well they are uniquely qualified to break them when necessary.

In any case, thanks again for the cite to Patrick Malone's great article, Doug.

Steve L.

I had the privilege of seeing Younger's Ten Commandments lecture in person, at the NITA national session in 1974 (the one and only time it was held in Reno). He also gave a series of evidence lectures -- I think there were ten, but it may have been fewer -- from which I used my notes for at least another decade.

It may be of current interest that Younger was one of the assistant U.S. attorneys in one of the prosecutions of Roy Cohn in the 1960s. Younger later came to believe that the case was a vendetta against Cohn due to Robert Kennedy's hostility (held over from the McCarthy days), and he wrote an article about it for Commentary in 1976.

Anthony Gaughan

I am envious, Steve! I would love to have seen an Irving Younger lecture (on any topic) in person.

Scott Pruitt Edndowed Chair in Enviconmental Justice

"The Cadillac of..." "The Ten Commandments." Obsolete, very old school. With our Dear Leader since 01-20-17, 12:001 pm EDT, it's now the Seven Commandments, with the emphasis on the Second One, the Right to bare arm.


Hey Scott Pruitt Edndowed Chair in Enviconmental Justice, too bad it wasn't Irving Younger's "Ten Commandments of Being Funny."

Scott Pruitt Edndowed Chair in Enviconmental Justice


You have that right. Humor in the courtroom is excellent advocacy. Make the Judge or Jury laugh...tell a good story.


Sy, Carswell, Deep State, Athlete, Pruitt, et al.

Funny? anymouse: hope you were being facetious!

Scott Pruitt Edndowed Chair in Enviconmental Justice

anon at 4:56

Like Kerry forgot Poland, you are a bit off. I am an Athletic Gun Supporter, not Athlete. Thanks.

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