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March 21, 2018


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Margaret Ryznar

Thanks for sharing. I've done many various assessments (all ungraded) and then polled my hundreds of students across various courses on which they found most effective--and surprisingly the majority say multiple choice quizzes because of the quick and objective feedback they receive on them.

Jay Feinman

Two words that ease the burden of formative assessment: Teaching assistants

Bridget Crawford

Jeff, out of curiosity, do you have a sense of how schools meet the needs of students with accommodations, without compromising an anonymous grading policy, when a professor administers a graded, in-class exercise? I've always made my in-class exercises ungraded to avoid this challenge, but you have some great ideas I may try to adapt for my classes (90+ people in Tax, Wills & Trusts).


Bridget, when I give the multiple choice quizzes I can forestall most accommodation issues by taking time pressure out of the equation. Instead of timing the students, I give them about 4-5 minutes and then ask if anyone needs more time. For some students with accommodations I have (rarely) allowed students to pick up the quiz before class begins or even take it in my office 10 minutes before class. Aside from the midterm, all of my other assessments are take-home.

Jay, this is a good suggestion, and I plan to experiment with teaching assistants next year. However, I do have some reservations about having the TA grade assessments that count, and I have found that many students (and especially the students who need the help the most) don't put much effort in if the assessment isn't graded.

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