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December 11, 2017


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Jones Hall at Tulane?

Al Brophy

That is a good guess, Anymouse, You’re right that it’s a southern school, but think somewhat further north,

Ralph Clifford

I'm guessing Wake Forest University, but I have no idea of which building.

Al Brophy

Ralph, another good guess. Looks like it, doesn't it?I need to check my photos of the Wake Forest law building from when the school was in Wake Forest. Alas, this isn't Wake. This is proving tougher than I'd thought.

Deep State Special Legal Counsel

It reminds me of Stateville with a bicycle rack.

Steve Garland

The brick is darker than Wake ibut the old Carswell Hall at Wake in Winston was my initial impression, but did not hold up after some consideration. The Taney reference has had me looking at old university of Maryland buildings but no luck so far.

Al Brophy

Taney may be on some law school buildings in Maryland, but this building is south of Maryland.

Steve Garland

Okay. No luck in search. Will continue. But in the meantime, here's an article confirming your suspicion that Penn might have enshrined Taney as well:

Al Brophy

Yes, there you go. I will try to get a picture of that next time I’m in west philly. Makes me wonder how many other schools have Taney on their building.

Jason Mazzone

I’m late to the party but that’s Farrah Hall at the University of Alabama.

Al Brophy

Of course Jason is right, as always. I thought some people might have guessed that this was the old UNC. Law building, which also looks like Farrah Hall.

Now a little story about Farrah Hall, which I’ve used before. Farrah Hall is next to Foster Auditorium, where Governor Wallace made. His stand in the schoolhouse door. When I arrived in Tuscaloosa the first time my beloved colleague and mentor Tom Jones came up to me and said, you study history, here’s some history for you. I saw Governor Wallace’s stand. The students and faculty were all looking out the back window.

Close readers of the faculty lounge may recall that Tom passed away earlier this year. We miss him a lot around here.

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