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August 07, 2017


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You write:

“I outlined the scope of the two major problems facing legal education today: too few law jobs for too many law school graduates; and the high cost of legal education and resulting severe debt burdens for graduates.”

But legal education pays off quite handsomely over a career for the vast majority of JD holders.

And the number of employed lawyers and the income of those lawyers has steadily increased over more than two decades.

The only truly existential issue facing legal education today is the recent downturn in demand for law school after a long period of increased demand. Recent data on LSAT takers suggests this downturn has ended as perceptions about the potential value of a JD begin to sink in on college students.

terry malloy

"as perceptions about the potential value of a JD begin to sink in on college students."

- Anon
Regional Chair
SOPJA - Save Our Phony Baloney Jobs Association

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