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September 23, 2016


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Captain Hruska Carswell, Continuance King

Something is off kilter here. If my la school during the 80s and 90s had a 67% or even an 80% bar pass rate in any jurisdiction would be considered an abject FAILURE! Do you want your kid to bring home a "C" or a "B-"???? 80% pass rates are now celebrated. I remember purchasing my first PC during the 80s. I had to program it myself and sit there for hours on end with the huge notebooks to get a printer to run. It was fun and challenging....and extremely satisfying when Peach Text or Word Perfect 1 printed a nice document. Today, a computer is a glorified television shopping device so Amazon and Walmart can bomb you with pop ups. (One good thing about the Faculty Lounge-no crappy ads, I am not holding my breath, however.) I guess the same thing is happening with law schools?

David Frakt

I agree. In my opinion, everyone who graduates from an accredited law school should be able to pass the bar if they prepare diligently for it. The idea that it is acceptable for a third or more of a law school's graduates to never be able to pass the bar if baffling.

That is why last year Law School Transparency advocated that all law schools should be required to have an 85% pass rate within two years, period.

The ABA has proposed a 75% within two years standard, but it has encountered incredible resistance from those who argue that requiring schools to meet this very modest standard will result in schools not admitting nearly as many minority students.

It is not at all clear that the proposed standard will pass. Under the current standards, as long as a school is within 15% of the state average, they are OK. So, if the pass rate in Florida dips to 68, a 53% pass rate is in compliance. This is just wrong.


"It is not at all clear that the proposed standard will pass. Under the current standards, as long as a school is within 15% of the state average, they are OK. So, if the pass rate in Florida dips to 68, a 53% pass rate is in compliance. This is just wrong."

So the answer is to cut standards so low and make incoming class size so large that you bring the state average down!


"In my opinion, everyone who graduates from an accredited law school should be able to pass the bar if they prepare diligently for it."

Oddly enough, there are people who don't prepare diligently. Are you not aware of this?

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