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September 09, 2016


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Jason Mazzone

It is the "Barker Slave Quarters," the slave housing for the former Kirkpatrick mansion in Old Cahawba.


Al Brophy

You are, as always, correct, Jason. Its a remarkable building. I've seen a fair number of slave quarters, but never one that looks this's guess I'd say impressive. I have no idea how many people lived there, which will tell a lot about and I suppose the size has something to do, too,with the owner making a statement about his wealth. I've seen very few slave quarters that are made of brick and a few that are two stories high, but none this large. As I say, the porch and columns were added after the war (I think in the early twentieth century), but the building is still large.

The trip to Cawhaba was well worth it. I wish I'd gone years ago. There're three cemeteries and a couple of buildings. It was quite a large town (and for a while the capital of Alabama, and the county seat of Dallas County). I wish more of the building survived and I guess it surprises and saddens me that more did not survive. But walking around gives a really good sense of the size of the town.

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