I'm delighted to report that my friend Mary Bilder of Boston College Law School has won the prestigious Bancroft Prize in American history for her book Madison's Hand: Revising the Constitutional Convention (Harvard University Press, 2015). The New York Times has the details here.
The Bancroft Prize is awarded annually by Columbia University to two or three outstanding works in American history. The other winners this year are Deborah A. Rosen's Border Law: The First Seminole War and American Nationhood (Harvard University Press) and Andrew Lipman's The Saltwater Frontier: Indians and the Contest for the American Coast (Yale University Press).
Stanford University history professor Jack Rakove has an extended essay about Madison's Hand forthcoming in Constitutional Commentary. It's up on ssrn already. You might also be interested in the Wall Street Journal's review here.
Congratulations, Mary! This is fabulous news.
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