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February 01, 2016


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Wait--Makau Mutua--the same guy who was forced to resign at Buffalo?

Buffalo Law Prof

He has a date in federal district court in Buffalo on February 18 to answer a federal civil rights lawsuit (he's an international human rights advocate, you know), and another court date coming up in March to answer a Rule 11 motion based on allegations of perjury from eleven tenured professors. Maybe Michigan State wants to be a trendsetter in rehabilitation.


Are they seriously considering Makau Mutua? Do the folks at Michigan State not keep tabs on the HUGE scandals taking place at other institutions? Do they not at least Google these candidates before announcing to the world that they're possibly considering making one of these folks their next dean? Wow. Just wow . . .


Perhaps the good folks at Michigan "googled" and recognized that the allegations, without more, do not offset Mutua's experience and accomplishments.

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