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October 10, 2015


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Jim Hawkins

I remember seeing one at Washington and Lee once.

Al Brophy

You are, of course, correct,

Jim Hawkins

I was also shocked to see it! Do you think there are bridges all over that part of the country made by Luten Bridge Co?

Eric Fink

I've still not been to the famous Luton Co. bridge in Eden. I must make amends.

Howard Katz

This may help explain the ubiquity of Luten bridges. It's from Wikipedia, so it must be true:

Luten Bridge Company and variations such as Luten Engineering Company was the name of a number of different bridge building companies in the United States during the early- to mid-20th century. Each had rights to build concrete Luten arch bridges, according to the patented designs of Daniel B. Luten, of Indianapolis.

Al Brophy

Well, Howard, maybe we need to start collecting photographs of a bunch of Luten Bridges!

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