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September 15, 2015


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Enrique Guerra-Pujol

This is very exciting. I am teaching an undergraduate course on "Facebook Law"--using the founding of Facebook as depicted in the book "The Accidental Billionaires" as an in-depth case study to explore issues in business law and business ethics, and the Concept Chart idea looks very promising, but at the same, this method looks like it requires a lot of additional work in order to put it all together. What's in it for the professor?

Emily Horvath

At the risk of sounding like my students....SO COOL. It seems to provide an easy tool for class content delivery and management that many professors want but don't have the time to prepare. I'll be checking out your free demo soon.

Colin Starger

As a ChartaCourse user and fan, I'd like to respond briefly to Enrique. First, getting your own Charta up to speed does indeed take a good amount of work -- but not necessarily much more than prepping with a brand new casebook. But once you put in the work, the payoff is huge. You have a whole new type of flexibility in terms of course sequencing. You can interconnect all the content so circling back to old concepts or even foreshadowing new ones is a breeze. I especially like the side-by-side feature of the interface which lets you compare text very easily. (I am using ChartaCourse for a combined Civil Procedure/Introduction to Lawyering Skills class and often will have a FRCP rule up next to a case interpreting that rule.) Plus there is certainly the SO COOL factor pointed out by Emily. Students like it and I think you get some props for bringing in something innovative and inexpensive. You feel like you are part of something other than a normal law school course...

Mark Edwards

Thank you, Emily! Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected] if you'd like, and we can get you set up with your own personal demo version of any charts you'd like to explore!

Mark Edwards

Thanks for the good question, Enrique! The charts come to adopting professors as complete courses. The idea is that if the adopting professor doesn't want to add or change anything, she doesn't have to. But if she wants to, she can alter it completely as well. Most opt for a little of each.

On the other hand, if we don't have a chart for the course the professor is teaching, we may work with the professor so she can become the author of that chart. Then there's lots in it for the professor -- the ChartaCourse royalty system is much more generous to our authors than anything academics are used to. That's because we are profs ourselves; we know how much work goes into careful design, creation, selection, and editing of great teaching materials; and we are determined to move the reward for that work back to professors.

Feel free to shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] if you'd like to talk more about whether ChartaCourse would work well for your course!

Enrique Guerra Pujol

Thanks for the clarification ... I will be in touch soon!


It looks great!

Mark Edwards

Thank you, Barry! if you'd like to try it out just shoot me an email.

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