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July 08, 2015


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confused by your post

I know little about criminal law but I'll ask related question here. Every single day local law enforcement officials release those they've detained/jailed in connection with enforcing state law. Do local law enforcement officials routinely notify federal law enforcement officials if they believe the detainees have violated federal criminal laws? Do they routinely agree to detain such suspects until the feds can pick them up?

Calvin Massey

If there ia a federal warrant for their arrest state and local officials comply with the warrant. The issue in sanctuary cities arises because ICE detainer requests are just that, requests. The reason for the request is that the person in state custody is also wanted for immigration violations and subject to deportation. Sanctuary cities dislike deportation of unlawful entrants to the US (at least when they are only petty criminals) and so refuse to comply. Should they be made to comply? If so, what is the mechanism for doing so?


Why not issue a warrant for felony violation of immigration law? Isn't a felony to reenter after the first deportation?

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