AALS Section on Poverty Law
Call for Papers for 2016 AALS Annual Meeting
The AALS Section on Poverty Law is seeking abstracts or drafts of papers to be presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting in New York, NY. This year’s program is entitled “New Directions in Poverty Law,” and it will be held on Friday, January 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Program Description: This program will focus on emerging ideas, problems, arguments, and strategies related to poverty law. The field of poverty law encompasses a wide range of legal issues that affect the lives of Americans living in poverty. Much interesting work in this area is being done by academics who may not identify themselves as poverty law scholars, but who are nonetheless writing about issues that inform and intersect with the core concerns of poverty law. This program will provide a forum for discussing some of this scholarship, and for considering the current state of poverty law as a field. Panelists—including one chosen through a call for papers—will present recent works on a variety of topics that relate to poverty law. An open discussion will follow.
Submission Instructions: Eligible law faculty wishing to be considered for the program must submit an abstract or draft paper by September 1, 2015, to Jason Parkin, Chair-Elect of the Section on Poverty Law, at [email protected]. The Section encourages submissions from pre-tenured and recently tenured scholars, as well as scholars whose work may not be widely known to members of the Poverty Section. All panelists, including speakers selected from this call for papers, are responsible for paying their own Annual Meeting registration fee and travel expenses.