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June 05, 2015


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The press release says he will remain as of counsel to his firm. Dean Allard of Brooklyn has a similar arrangement where he continues to practice while serving as Dean (Dean Allard, unlike the incoming UNC Dean, is at a stand-alone law school with the additional duties of a President). Dean seems like a time consuming job (and President and Dean presumably even more so), and I wonder how they do it on a less than full time basis, and whether they get paid as well as someone doing the Deaning as their sole job.

Mary Dudziak

That's Judge Sam J. Ervin III (not Erwin). My judge and a truly great clerkship!

[Thanks, Mary; I've got that corrected.]

Jeff Harrison

Interesting process. It appears the committee submitted two names. The person it wanted and a distinguished younger person with no UNC ties and very little relevant experience.


It's a very good sign for legal education that law schools are now hiring practioners for these sorts of positions. Hopefully other schools follow suit.


I think the Dean should come from Academia as they otherwise aren't going to know how to best navigate the bureaucratic hurdles in legal education. A very poor decision in my opinion.

[Martin's a very talented man and I'm looking forward to his deanship. We have a lot of people on this faculty who have tons of experience in legal education who're going to help navigating the bureaucracy side of things, to the extent that's necessary, me included. Al Brophy]

David Epstein

As a former Carolina faculty member who stills cares deeply about the Law School, I am excited about Martin's appointment. My "Carolina dean", Dickson Phillips, whom I have come to appreciate more and more, was more a product of his practicing years than his teaching years. The same talents that make a person a successful partner in a law firm - good judgment, ability to work with others, flexibility, . . . - make for an effective dean. If I had been a partner at King & Spalding before serving as dean at Emory, I never would have been fired.
David Epstein


In addition, it is critical that law schools do a better job of connecting to the non-academic world, since that is where almost all students seek to be employed. This is one good move in that direction.


Jeff Harrison, what are you talking about?! There is nothing supporting what you just said.

Just saying...

AnonLawProf wrote: "I think the Dean should come from Academia as they otherwise aren't going to know how to best navigate the bureaucratic hurdles in legal education. A very poor decision in my opinion."

Question, AnonLawProf: Can't one learn to navigate the bureaucratic hurdles?? Following your logic, people should be pigeonholed in one field for life since one could never learn to navigate the bureaucratic hurdles found in a different type of institution. In fact, given how the bureaucracies of colleges and universities differ significantly, how could anyone ever change institutions and survive!!??

tony smith

I am not sure how many academics would want that job. NC seems to be running neck-and-neck with SC and OK as the most hostile states to higher education. Good luck. Maybe he can find private $$$$.

Jeff Harrison

Aanon: I have no idea. I thought I read two names were sent over and one was this fellow and the other a young woman. I was obviously wrong. I am looking forward to seeing how this works out. As a person who believes that a huge amount of the investment in scholarship is wasted it will be interesting to see if a practitioner will lead to reform or will bow to the system.

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