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May 17, 2015


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Lawrence Cunningham

Thanks Al! Already received a few promising ideas:

(a) A-Rod v. Yankees over the home run bonus (thanks to Tom Lin of Temple);

(b) Winkelvoss v. Zuckerberg over Facebook (via Twitter handle @lawscholar); and

(c) NML Capital v. Republic of Argentina, 699 F.3d 246 (2d Cir. 2012) (inspired by Aditi Bagchi of Fordham in her forthcoming Yale Reg piece).

Will give due credit in the book of course and happy to sign copies too! MANY THANKS!

Lawrence Cunningham

Thanks again and four more received from two prawfs.

Gregg Polksy (North Carolina) submitted two high profile disputants:

(e) Trump v. Maher (complaint withdrawn but the Donald tried to accept Maher's offer to prove Trump was not of orangutan origin) and

(f) Stern v. Sirius XM (interpretation dispute over employee bonus for the shock jock).

John Wladis (Delaware) submitted two on problems of "counting":

(g) Lord of the Rings Assignment: royalties to be paid on first film from each book but one (the Hobbit) was made into three movies and

(h) 9/11 WTC case: insurance coverage on per incident basis but with two planes/two towers is that one incident or two?

Great stuff. Keep them coming if you have them!

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