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March 23, 2015


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Quotas are inherently unfair. I would add they have been held thankfully under US law as violative of the EP Clause. And yes I am a White Male and PROUD of it. I am all for equal opportunity for all but quotas are wrong.

Lisa Fairfax

Despite the positive aspects of quotas--and I think there is good evidence about the positive--there is likely a strong argument that the resistance in the US would be so strong that efforts in that area could prove counter productive. Do you have the same sense? Or are there reasons to think that there is some openness to quotas here?

Aaron Dhir

Hi Lisa. Thanks for your question. I think you're absolutely right. In the United States, quotas likely would face insurmountable political and constitutional hurdles. That is why I spend a lot of time in my book focusing on how the current SEC rule might be restructured (though doing so will not produce any guarantees). That said, a number of countries outside of the U.S. are currently considering quotas and I think the qualitative work discussed in this symposium can inform ongoing international policy discussions. And even in the U.S., I wonder if these research findings can help us to think through some of the key issues in the ongoing discussion on affirmative action more generally and on other forms of accommodation. All the best, Aaron

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