Here's an extremely exciting position -- for two reasons. First, it reflects the growing interest in digital humanities (back in the day it used to quantitative history -- but this goes well beyond use of statistics for historical analysis) and second, it's on slavery at Princeton.
Princeton University seeks candidates for an appointment as a postdoctoral research associate housed jointly in the Council for the Humanities and the Center for Digital Humanities. The successful candidate will spend half of their time developing a website for the Princeton and Slavery Project and the remaining half time will be devoted to the candidate's own research project and to participating in the intellectual life of the University. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in History or a closely allied field, with a demonstrated familiarity with 18th and 19th century American history. Appointment is for one year, with expectation of renewal for a second year pending satisfactory performance.
The website development project will require the postdoc to translate existing research into a dynamic visual form, and to collaborate with colleagues in other divisions of the University, including the University Archives, Art Museum and History Department.
Preference will be given to candidates who can create custom themes in Omeka/Neatline, a PHP based content management system, and who have demonstrated skills in PHP, CSS3, and HTML5.
To ensure full consideration, we encourage candidates to submit complete applications by March 25, 2015.
In addition to their salary, postdoctoral researchers receive reimbursement (up to $2,000 per academic year) for research related expenses. Postdoctoral researchers are responsible for their own travel and moving arrangements and expenses, as well as for finding and paying for their housing at Princeton. Before their departure, they are required to submit a report on their scholarly activities at Princeton.
Applications are accepted online at, requisition #1500127 and should include (1) cover letter addressing qualifications for website design, along with title and brief summary of proposed research project; (2) research proposal (five pages; 2,000 words), including a detailed description of project, timetable, explicit goals, and selected bibliography and supporting materials; (3) curriculum vitae with list of publications; (4) sample chapter (in English) of dissertation or other recent work; (5) links to custom themes designed for Omeka, Wordpress, or Drupal along with descriptions of how those themes were built; and (6) Letters from three referees who are not current members of the Princeton University faculty.
Scholars with Ph.D. degrees from Princeton University are not eligible to apply. Appointments cannot be deferred to a later term.
Candidates must have completed all the requirements for the doctoral degree by September 1, 2015 (including the defense, viva voce, or final public oral examination), and preferably not earlier than June 1, 2012. Postdoctoral Research Associates may not pursue another degree while on this appointment, nor may they hold any other fellowships or visiting positions concurrently with their appointment at Princeton University. ...