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January 21, 2015


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David Case

David Case. @dwcase. Mississippi.

Gus Hurwitz

Gus Hurwitz. @GusHurwitz. Nebraska.

Orin Kerr

Orin Kerr @orinkerr GW

BTW, I looked at the ten lawprofs who I followed most recently on Twitter, and only one out of the ten is on this list. I think the number of lawprofs on Twitter has really exploded in the last year.


David Cleveland @ProfCleveland. Valparaiso

Kristen Holmquist

Kristen Holmquist, @kleighholmquist - Berkeley Law (lecturer)

David Ziff

David Ziff @djsziff University of Washington School of Law

James Grimmelmann

James Grimmelmann @grimmelm Maryland

Lisa Ouellette

I'm already on the list (@PatentScholar), but just wanted to add that it would be even better if you or someone else transferred this list from here to a Twitter list. Then it would be easy for other people to subscribe to the list (I'd add it in one of my TweetDeck columns) and to follow individual profs. NYU Law Review has a list here, which someone really ambitious could cross-check with the people above: (But I know that even updating the list here is a big undertaking!)

Al Brophy

That list Is already really long. I didn't realize how poplar Twitter is among legal academics. This leads to another question: is there a recent census of law professor bloggers?

Dave Sidhu

Dave Sidhu @profsidhu New Mexico


Leonard Rotman, @ProfRotman - Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

Kevin Jon Heller

You can add me. Kevin Heller, @kevinjonheller, SOAS, University of London.

Haskell Murray

I have moved from Regent Law to Belmont's business school, though I occasionally teach in Belmont's law school. Your call on whether I should still be on this list. @HaskellMurray

Also, inspired by your earlier list, I created a list of business law professors, with a very broad definition of "business law." As noted, that list includes professors who teach law at law schools and professors who teach law at business schools.

Haskell Murray

Also, anyone who would like to be included on or removed from the business law professors on Twitter list can e-mail me. The current list is here:


Please add me to the list - @odowdt I'm at @UCDLawSchool (Dublin, Ireland). There are at least 12 other legal academics here who are on Twitter and I will circulate them to let them know about the census. We are sometimes confused with @UCDavisLaw - which is OK, as we have a very good exchange programme with them!

Jill Goldenziel

Jill Goldenziel @JillGoldenziel BU Law

Stefan Padfield

1. Stefan Padfield, @ProfPadfield, Akron

2. Tracy Thomas, @ProfTracyThomas, Akron


Jennifer Collins

Jennifer Collins, @jmcollinsSMULaw, SMU

TJ McIntyre

TJ McIntyre, @tjmcintyre, University College Dublin Sutherland School of Law

Andrew Siegel

Andrew Siegel, @Amsprof, Seattle U

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