Bumping to the front from 1/6/2015; deadline for updates is 1/22/2015
The abundance of tweets at the AALS Annual Meeting (#AALS2015) made me sit up and take notice of how many more law professors there seem to be on Twitter now compared to 2012 when I last updated the Census of Law Professor Twitter users (see Version 1.0 here and Version 2.0 here). I thought it would be worthwhile to crowd-source an update to the prior list.
The list below the fold is Version 2.10, which is Version 2.0 updated with any additions I received directly since August, 2012 or any law prof accounts that I have happened to encounter (typically because they follow me on Twitter or I follow them). The list is far from accurate or complete as of now, and I need your help updating it. If you are not on the list and would like to be, or if you have corrections or additions, please leave information in the comments or email me at bcrawford *at* law *dot* pace *dot* edu. The list below is not editable.
As with prior versions, the list is meant to cover individual law professor tweeters only (not accounts of groups, programs, law schools, publications, students, practitioners, staff). Folks should be full-time law school faculty members (not, say, law-trained profs working in business schools). Non-U.S. law profs very welcome.
Responsive signed comments with full names and email addresses only; all other comments will be deleted. Deadline for updates is January 22, 2015. Version 3.0 will be published shortly thereafter.
VERSION 2.10 (last updated 1/21/2015)
Jonathan H. | Adler | jadler1969 | Case Western |
Nadia | Ahmad | gatormob | Pace |
Aziza | Ahmed | AzizaAhmed | Northeastern |
Ifeoma | Ajunwa | iajunwa | Univ District of Columbia |
Richard | Albert | richardalbert | Boston College |
Ann | Althouse | annalthouse | Wisconsin |
Diane | Amann | DianeMarieAmann | Georgia |
Heidi | Anderson | HeidiRAnderson | Florida Coastal |
Don | Anton | DonKAnton | Griffith (Australia) |
Laura | Appleman | lawandlitprof | Willamette |
Deborah | Archer | DeborahNArcher | New York Law School |
David | Ardia | dsardia | UNC |
Clark D. | Asay | cdasay | Penn State Dickinson |
Richard | Ashcroft | qmulbioethics | Queen Mary London |
Jonathan | Askin | jaskin | Brooklyn |
Lisa | Austin | Lisa_M_Austin | Toronto |
Regina | Austin | raustin92913 | Penn |
Ian | Ayres | iayres | Yale |
Barbara | Babcock | bababcock | Stanford |
Sandra | Babcock | sandralbabcock | Cornell |
Sam | Bagenstos | sbagen | Michigan |
Stephen | Bainbridge | ProfBainbridge | UCLA |
Jeffrey | Baker | JRBProf | Faulkner |
Jack | Balkin | jackbalkin | Yale |
David | Ball | wdavidball | Santa Clara |
Derek | Bambauer | dbambauer | Arizona |
Jennifer | Bankier | jbankier | Dalhousie |
John | Banzhaf | ProfBranzhaf | George Washington |
Mehrsa | Baradaran | MehrsaBaradaran | Georgia |
Jennifer | Bard | profbard | Texas Tech |
Rachel | Barkow | RachelBarkow | NYU |
Randy | Barnett | RandyEBarnett | Georgetown |
Gavin | Barrett | GMBGMDB | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Ann | Bartow | profabartow | Pace |
David | Batty | dlbatty | Charlotte |
Barton | Beebe | BartonBeebe | NYU |
Valena | Beety | missvebee | West Virginia |
Jeff | Bellin | BellinJ | William & Mary |
Adam | Benforado | Benforado | Drexel |
Dustin | Benham | dustinbenham | Texas Tech |
Lenni | Benson | LenniBenson | New York Law School |
Jason | Bent | Prof_Bent | Stetson |
Nadia | Bernaz | HRightsBusiness | Middlesex Univ London |
Caroline | Bettinger-Lopez | BettingerLopez | Miami |
Gerry | Beyer | Gerry_Beyer | Texas Tech |
Tamar | Birckhead | tamarbirckhead | UNC |
Jennifer | Bird-Pollan | jbirdpollan | Kentucky |
Joshua | Blackman | JoshMBlackman | South Texas |
Joshua | Blank | JoshuaDBlank | NYU |
Kristen | Blankley | ADR_Prof | Nebraska |
Robert | Blecker | RobertBlecker | New York Law School |
John | Blevins | johnfblevins | Loyola New Orleans |
Maxwell Gregg | Bloche | greggbloche | Georgetown |
n Patty | Blum | PattyBlum | Cardozo |
Jack | Bogdanski | Bojack54 | Lewis & Clark |
Stephen | Bogle | stephen_bogle | Glasgow |
Craig | Boise | CMLAWDean | Cleveland-Marshall |
Christopher J. | Borgen | Chris_Borgen | St. John's |
James | Boyle | thepublicdomain | Duke |
Donald | Braman | donaldbraman | George Washington |
Barbara | Bressler | bbressle | DePaul |
Annemarie | Bridy | AnnemarieBridy | Idaho |
Kim | Brooks | SchulichLawDean | Dalhousie |
Rosa | Brooks | brooks_rosa | Georgetown |
Dorothy A. | Brown | DorothyABrown | Emory |
Kara | Bruce | ProfessorKBruce | Toledo |
Matthew | Bruckner | Prof_Bruckner | Howard |
Sam | Brunson | smbrnsn | Loyola Chicago |
Ryan | Bubb | ryan_bubb | NYU |
Neil | Buchanan | NeilHBuchanan | George Washington |
Trevor | Buck | trevbuck | De Montfort U (UK) |
Alafair | Burke | alafairburke | Hofstra |
Beth | Burkstrand-Reid | beth_burkstrand | Nebraska |
Kylie | Burns | snailsinbottles | Griffith (Australia) |
Sarah | Burstein | design_law | Oklahoma |
Naomi | Cahn | NaomiCahn | George Washington |
Gillian | Calder | gilliancalder | Victoria |
Ryan | Calo | rcalo | Univ. Washington |
Jennifer | Camero | ProfessorCamero | Southern Illinois |
Montre | Carodine | MDCarodine | Alabama |
Paul | Caron | SoCalTaxProf | Pepperdine |
Arturo | Carrillo | AJCarrillo4 | George Washington |
Elizabeth | Carter | BitsyNOLA | Louisiana State |
David | Case | dwcase | Mississippi |
Mary Anne | Case | Mary_Anne_Case | Chicago |
Tim | Caulfield | CaulfieldTim | Alberta |
Stephen | Calkins | scalkins2 | Wayne State |
Eric | Chaffee | EricChaffee | Toledo |
Kim D. | Chanbonpin | ProfChanbonpin | John Marshall (Chicago) |
Anupam | Chander | AnupamChander | UC Davis |
Guy-Uriel | Charles | ProfGuyCharles | Duke |
Mary | Cheh | marycheh | George Washington |
Jim | Chen | chenx064 | Michigan State |
Miriam | Cherry | Prof_MCherry | St. Louis University |
Colleen | Chien | colleen_chien | Santa Clara |
Luis | Chiesa | proflchiesa | SUNY Buffalo |
Adam | Chilton | adamschilton | Chicago |
Andrew | Chin | chinunc | UNC |
Kenneth | Ching | kennyching | Regent |
Cyra Akila | Choudhury | cyrachoudhury | Florida International |
Allison | Christians | taxpolblog | McGill |
Chester | Chuang | ChesterChuang | Golden Gate |
Danielle | Citron | daniellecitron | Maryland |
Bradford | Clark | profbradclark | George Washington |
Sherman | Clark | shermanjclark | Michigan |
Brian | Clarke | Bclarke_LawProf | Charlotte |
Donald C. | Clarke | donaldcclarke | George Washington |
David | Cleveland | ProfCleveland | Valparaiso |
Robert | Clinton | robertclinton | Arizona State |
David S. | Cohen | dsc250 | Drexel |
I. Glenn | Cohen | CohenProf | Harvard |
David | Cole | DavidColeGtown | Georgetown |
James | Coleman | energylawprf | Calgary |
Richard | Collins | DrRichCollins | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Jennifer | Collins | jmcollinsSMULaw | SMU |
James P. | Connolly | jamespconnolly1 | Glasgow Caledonian |
Kim Diana | Connolly | kimdianaconnoll | SUNY Buffalo |
Jorge | Contreras | contreraslegals | American |
Jennifer M. | Cooper | jennifercooper | Seattle |
Caroline Mala | Corbin | CarolineMCorbin | Miami |
Nathan | Cortez | nathancortez | SMU |
Brenda | Cossman | BrendaCossman | Toronto |
Adam | Cox | adambcox | NYU |
Carys | Craig | CraigCarys | Osgoode Hall |
Bridget | Crawford | profbcrawford | Pace |
Susan | Crawford | scrawford | Cardozo |
Dennis | Crouch | patentlyo | Missouri |
César | Cuauhtémoc Garcia Hernandez | crimmigration | Capital |
Emma | Cunliffe | emmajcunliffe | Univ British Columbia |
Lawrence | Cunningham | CunninghamProf | George Washington |
Karen | Czapanskiy | CzpansK | Maryland |
Jason | Czarnezki | czarnezki | Pace |
Alina | Das | Das_Alina | NYU |
Steven M. | Davidoff | StevenDavidoff | Ohio State |
Benjamin G. | Davis | Benngriffdavis | Toledo |
Jeremy | de Beer | jdebeer | Ottawa |
Fiona | De Londras | fdelond | Durham (UK) |
Sarah | Deer | sarahdeer | William Mitchell |
Michelle M. | Dempsey | m2dempsey | Villanova |
Stephen | Diamond | StephenFDiamond | Santa Clara |
Darby | Dickerson | darbydickerson | Texas Tech |
Amy | Dillard | adillard | Baltimore |
Paul | Diller | dilleradollar | Willamette |
Jim | Dimitri | profdimitri | Indiana-McKinney |
John | DiPippa | jmdipippa | Arkansas-Little Rock |
Scott | Dodson | ProfDodson | Hastings |
Sean Patrick | Donlon | spdonlan | Limerick (Ireland) |
Richard | Dooling | RichardDooling | Nebrask |
Josh | Douglas | JoshuaADouglas | Kentucky |
Randy | Dryer | medialawguy | Utah |
Mary | Dudziak | marydudziak | Emory |
Suzanne | Egan | suzanne_egan | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Joel | Eisen | joeleisen | Richmond |
Tigran | Eldred | TigranEldred | New England |
Atiba | Ellis | atibaellis | West Virginia |
Mairead | Enright | maireadenright | Kent (UK) |
Richard | Epstein | RichardAEpstein | Chicago |
Tonya | Evans | IPProfEvans | Widener-Harrisburg |
Dave | Fagundes | Dave_Fagundes | Soutwestern |
Roger Anthony | Fairfax | ProfFairfax | George Washington |
Joshua | Fairfield | JoshFairfield | Washington & Lee |
Nita | Farahany | LawandBioDigest | Vanderbilt |
Dan | Farber | dfarber | Berkeley |
Gabe | Feldman | SportsLawGuy | Tulane |
Noah | Feldman | NoahRFeldman | Harvard |
Rachel | Fenton | RachelFenton72 | UWE Bristol |
Andrew Guthrie | Ferguson | JuryDutyMatters | Univ District of Columbia |
Joshua | Fershee | jfershee | West Virginia |
Dan | Filler | danielmfiller | Drexel |
Eric | Fink | LuckyJimJD | Elon |
Chad | Flanders | cwflander | St. Louis University |
Victor | Fleischer | vcfleischer | San Diego |
John | Flood | JohnAFlood | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
David | Fontana | proffontana | George Washington |
Pamela | Foohey | PamelaFoohey | Indiana-Maurer |
Sheila | Foster | SheilaRFoster | Fordham |
Cynthia | Fountaine | clfountaine | Southern Illinois |
Gary | Francione | garylfrancione | Rutgers-Newark |
Rosa | Freedman | GoonerDr | Univ Birmingham (UK) |
Barry | Friedman | barryfriedman1 | NYU |
Brett | Frischmann | BrettFrischmann | Cardozo |
Jeanne | Fromer | JeanneFromer | NYU |
Michael | Froomkin | mfroomkin | Miami |
Lance | Gable | ProfessorLGable | Wayne State |
Ruben | Garcia | profrubengarcia | UNLV |
E. Townsend | Gard | ETownsendGard | Tulane |
Charlotte | Garden | CharlotteGarden | Seattle |
Jackie | Gardina | JackieGardina | Vermont |
Leslie | Garfield | LawAcademics | Pace |
Rick | Garnett | rickgarnett | Notre Dame |
Richard | Gershon | IRichardGershon | Mississippi |
Ahmed | Ghappour | ghappour | Hastings |
Shubha | Ghosh | shubhaghosh | Wisconsin |
Tom | Ginsburg | tomginsburg | Chicago |
Sarah | Glassmeyer | sglassmeyer | Valparaiso |
Robert L. | Glicksman | glicksmanr | George Washington |
Jill | Goldenziel | JillGoldenziel | Boston University |
Eric | Goldman | ericgoldman | Santa Clara |
Jerry | Goldman | oyez | Chicago-Kent |
Ryan | Goodman | rgoodlaw | NYU |
Michele Bratcher | Goodwin | michelebgoodwin | UC Irvine |
Paul | Gowder | PaulGowder | Iowa |
Colleen | Graffy | Colleen_Graffy | Pepperdine |
Kyle | Graham | kylefgraham | Santa Clara |
Henry T. | Greely | HankGreelyLSJU | Stanford |
Kent | Greenfield | Kentgreenfield1 | Boston College |
Kate | Greenwood | Kate_Greenwood | Seton Hall |
James | Grimmelman | grimmelm | Maryland |
Ariela | Gross | arielagross | USC |
Jill | Gross | profgross | Pace |
Priya | Gupta | PriyaSGupta | Southwestern |
Victoria | Haneman | TaxLawProf | LaVerne |
Ian Haney | Haney-Lopez | IanHaneyLopez | Berkeley |
Valerie | Hans | jurygirltweet | Cornell |
Justin | Hansford | Blackstarjus | St. Louis University |
Hugh | Hanson | HughCHansen | Fordham |
Woodrow | Hartzog | hartzog | Cumberland |
Rick | Hasen | rickhasen | Irvine |
David L. | Hatcher | PovertyLawProf | Baltimore |
Paul | Heald | pauljheald | Illinois |
Gina | Heathcote | gina_heathcote | SOAS, Univ of London |
Michael Avi | Helfand | MAHelfand | Pepperdine |
Kevin | Heller | kevinjonheller | SOAS, Univ of London |
Joan | Heminway | VolunteerTwit | Tennessee |
William | Henderson | wihender | Indiana-Maurer |
Louis | Hensler III | LWHensler3 | Regent |
Ori | Herstein | oriherstein | Hebrew Univ |
David | Herzig | professortax | Valparaiso |
Robert | Heverly | robheverly | Albany |
Hugh | Hewitt | HHRadio | Chapman |
Julie A. | Hill | ProfJulieHill | Alabama |
David A. | Hoffman | HoffProf | Temple |
Nancy | Hogshead-Makar | Hogshead3au | Florida Coastal |
Danielle | Holley-Walker | danielleholley | South Carolina |
Ian | Holloway | LawDeanHolloway | Calgary |
Kara | Holloway | ProfHolloway | Duke |
Kristen | Holmquiest | kleighholmquist | Berkeley |
Joan | Howarth | JoanHowarth1 | Michigan State |
Niamh | Howlin | N_Howlin | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Robert | Howse | howserob | NYU |
Blake | Hudson | ForestLawProf | Louisiana State |
Wendy Adele | Humphrey | wendyadeleh | Texas Tech |
Justin (Gus) | Hurwitz | GusHurwitz | Nebraska |
Darren | Hutchinson | dissentingj | Florida |
Lolita Buckner | Inniss | AuntieFeminist | Cleveland-Marshall |
Kendall | Isaac | workplaceadresq | Appalachian |
Melissa | Jacoby | melissajacoby | UNC |
Dalie | Jimenez | daliejimenez | Connecticut |
Elizabeth | John | elizabeth_joh | UC Davis |
David M. | Johnson | GWLawDeanDJ | George Washington |
Eric E. | Johnson | Eric_E_Johnson | North Dakota |
Kit | Johnson | kit_johnson | Oklahoma |
William P. | Johnson | mennosimons | St. Louis University |
Jackie | Jones | jackiejones27 | UWE Bristol |
RonNell Andersen | Jones | randersenjones | Brigham Young |
Susan R. | Jones | srjones5 | George Washington |
Kenneth | Jost | jostonjustice | Georgetown |
Robin | Juni | rljuni | George Washington |
Wulf | Kaal | WulfKaal | Univ St. Thomas (MN) |
Jeffrey | Kahn | KahnTax | Florida State |
Anil | Kalhan | kalhan | Drexel |
Margot | Kaminski | MargotKaminski | Ohio State |
Daniel Martin | Katz | computational | Michigan State |
Ariel | Katz | relkatz | Toronto |
David | Kaye | davidakaye | UC Irvine |
Orin | Kerr | orinkerr | George Washington |
Jeff | Kirchmeier | JLKirchmeier | CUNY |
Heidi | Kitrosser | heidikitrosser | Minnesota |
Renee | Knake | reneeknake | Michigan State |
Mike | Koehler | fcpaprofessor | Southern Illinois |
Lynne | Kohm | LynneMarieKohm | Regent |
Eugene | Kontorovich | EVKontorovich | Northwestern |
Russell | Korobkin | russellkorobkin | UCLA |
Kim | Krawiec | KimKrawiec | Duke |
Faisal | Kutty | faisalkutty | Valparaiso |
Anna | Laakmann | annalaakmann | Lewis & Clark |
Susan | Landrum | SusanLandrum1 | Savannah |
Stacey | Lantagne | StaceyLantagne | Mississippi |
Greg | Lastowka | greglas | Rutgers-Camden |
Katrina | Lee | katrinajuneless | Ohio State |
Cynthia | Lee | ProfCynthiaLee | George Washington |
Patricia H. | Lee | SLULegalLee | St. Louis University |
Brian | Leiter | BrianLeiter | Chicago |
Richard | Leiter | rleiter | Nebraska |
Mark | Lemley | marklemley | Stanford |
Nancy | Leong | nancyleong | Denver |
Jack | Lerner | jacklerner | USC |
Lawrence | Lessig | lessig | Harvard |
Jessica | Levinson | LevinsonJessica | Loyola LA |
Browne | Lewis | bayouwriter | Cleveland-Marshall |
Hope | Lewis | ProfHopeLewis | Northeastern |
Michael | Lewyn | mlewyn | Touro |
Lyrissa | Lidsky | LidskyLidsky | Florida |
Orly | Lobel | OrlyLobel | San Diego |
Lawrence | Lokken | Llokken | Florida |
Brian | Love | BrianJLove | Santa Clara |
Daithí | Mac Síthigh | macsithigh | East Anglia (UK) |
Vanessa | MacDonell | vanessa_macd | Ottawa |
William | MacNeil | boradcovemac | Griffith (Australia) |
Michael | Madison | profmadison | Pittsburgh |
Imelda | Maher | MaherImelda | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Kevin Noble | Maillard | noblemaillard | Syracuse |
Phil | Malone | berkphil | Harvard |
Maya | Manian | mayamanian | San Francisco |
Irina | Manta | irina_manta | Hofstra |
Ellie | Margolis | EllieMargolis | Temple |
Christopher | Marsden | ChrisTMarsden | Essex (UK) |
Jill | Marshall | JillMarshallLAW | Univ Leicester |
Craig | Martin | craigxmartin | Washburn |
Jonathan | Masur | jonathanmasur | Chicago |
Manoj | Mate | manojmate | Whittier |
Lloyd | Mayer | NDNonprofitProf | Notre Dame |
Kris | Mayes | krismayes | Arizona State |
Eugene | Mazo | eugenemazo | Wake Forest |
Michael | McCann | McCannSportsLaw | New Hampshire |
Carole | McCartney | ctmccartney | Northumbria |
Martha | McCluskey | MarthaMcCluskey | SUNY Buffalo |
Marcia | McCormick | marciamccormick | St. Louis University |
Tom | McDonnell | McDonnellTomLaw | Pace |
Elizabeth | McDowell | elmacdowell | UNLV |
Lisa | McElroy | ProfLisaMcElroy | Drexel |
Kellyn | McGee | TheEthicsProf | Savannah |
William | McGeveran | BillMcGev | Minnesota |
Clare | McGlynn | McGlynnClare | Durham (UK) |
Joe | McGrath | joemcgrathlaw | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Noel | McGrath | mcgrathn83 | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Paul | McGreal | PaulMcGreal | Dayton |
TJ | McIntyre | tjmcintyre | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Mark | McKenna | markpmckenna | Notre Dame |
Greg | McNeal | gregorymcneal | Pepperdine |
Agnieszka | McPeak | socmediaJD | Toledo |
Daniel | Medwed | danielmedwed | Northeastern |
Errol | Mendes | 3mendous | Ottawa |
Chi Adanna | Mgbako | chiadanna | Fordham |
Nancy | Millar | lpprof | Phoenix |
Eric | Miller | millerej_11 | Loyola LA |
James | Milles | jgmilles | SUNY Buffalo |
Richard | Moberly | Richard_Moberly | Nebraska |
Seema | Mohapatra | MohapatraSeema | Barry |
Chris | Monaghan | Chris_Jmonaghan | Univ. of Greenwich (UK) |
Blake | Morant | blakedmorant | George Washington |
Rebecca | Morgan | elderlawrocks | Stetson |
Juliet | Moringiello | profjuliet | Widener-Harrisburg |
Adam | Mossoff | AdamMossoff | George Mason |
Samuel | Moyn | Peiresc | Harvard |
Derek | Muller | derektmuller | Pepperdine |
Ann | Mumford | Mumford | King's College London |
Erin | Murphy | ErinMurphysLaw | NYU |
Kim | Mutcherson | ProfessorMutch | Rutgers-Camden |
Luz Estella | Nagle | LuzEstella | Stetson |
Sheldon | Nahmod | NahmodLaw | Chicago-Kent |
Cynthia | Nance | Nancecy | Arkansas |
Marcia | Narine | mlnarine | St. Thomas Univ (FL) |
Samita | Narula | SmitaNarula | NYU |
Jonathan | Nash | JonathanRNash | Emory |
Ira Steven | Nathenson | nathenson | St. Thomas Univ (FL) |
Fiona | Ní Aoláin | NiAolainF | Minnesota |
Anthony | Niedwiecki | LawProfAnt | John Marshall (Chicago) |
Sean | Nolon | snolon | Vermont |
Tracy | Norton | profnorton | Touro |
Beth Simone | Noveck | bethnoveck | NYLS |
Dawn | Nunziato | Dawn_Nunziato | George Washington |
Justin | O'Brien | profjobrien | Univ New South Wales |
Donncha | O'Connell | donnchanuig | NUI Galway |
Mary Ellen | O'Connell | OConnell_IntLaw | Notre Dame |
Rory | O'Connell | rjjoconnell | Queens University Belfast |
Eoin | O'Dell | cearta | Trinity College Dublin |
Aoife | O'Donoghue | aoifemod | Durham (UK) |
John | O'Dowd | odowdt | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Christopher | Odinet | ChrisOdinet | Southern Univ Law Ctr |
Shuyi | Oei | ShuyiOei | Tulane |
Paul | Ohm | paulohm | Colorado |
David | Opderbeck | dopderbeck | Seton Hall |
Hari | Osofsky | HariOsofsky | Minnesota |
Lisa | Ouellette | PatentScholar | Stanford |
Kevin | Outterson | koutterson | Boston University |
Spencer | Overton | SpencerOverton | George Washington |
Jessica | Owley | JessicaOwley | SUNY Buffalo |
Stefan | Padfield | ProfPadfield | Akron |
Scott | Pagel | ScottBPagel | George Washington |
Rafael | Pardo | bankruptcyprof | Emory |
Gregory | Parks | BlackJDPhD | Wake Forest |
Frank | Pasquale | FrankPasquale | Maryland |
Scott | Peppet | speppet | Colorado |
Andrew | Perlman | andrew_perlman | Suffolk |
Lisa | Philipps | lphilipps | Osgoode Hall |
Randal | Picker | randypicker | Chicago |
Justin | Pidot | JustinPidot | Denver |
Richard J. | Pierce, Jr. | richardjpierce | George Washington |
Tamara | Piety | TamaraPiety | Tulsa |
Michael | Plaxton | MichaelPlaxton | Saskatchewan |
Ellen | Podgor | whitecollarprof | Stetson |
Jeff | Pojanowski | pojanowski | Notre Dame |
Thaddeus | Pope | thaddeuspope | Hamline |
Nicole | Porter | nicolebporter | Toledo |
Susan | Poser | susanposer | Nebraska |
Eric | Posner | EricPosner | Chicago |
Melynda | Price | melyndaprice | Kentucky |
C. Scott | Pryor | profpryor | Regent |
Dara | Purvis | DaraPurvis | Penn State |
Noelle | Quenivet | NoelleQuenivet1 | UWE |
Brian JM | Quinn | bjmquinn | Boston College |
Erika | Rackley | erikarackley | Birmingham (UK) |
Geoffrey | Rapp | ProfessorRapp | Toledo |
Morris | Ratner | ratner_morris | Hastings |
Joel | Reidenberg | jreidenberg | Fordham |
Richard | Revesz | richardrevesz | NYU |
Michael | Rich | mikerichlaw | Elon |
Neil | Richards | neilmrichards | Wash U. St. Louis |
Amelia | Rinehart | ameliarinehart | Utah |
Michael | Risch | profrisch | Villanova |
Marc | Roark | marclaneroark | Savannah |
Alexandra J. | Roberts | lexlanham | New Hampshire |
Anna | Roberts | ProfARoberts | Seattle |
Caprice | Roberts | capricelroberts | Savannah |
Dorothy E. | Roberts | DorothyERoberts | Penn |
Alfreda | Robinson | TheDeanRobinson | George Washington |
Keith | Robinson | wkeithrobinson | SMU |
Cassandra Burke | Robinson | AndraRobertson | Case Western |
Keith | Robinson | wkeithrobinson | SMU |
Ruthann | Robson | RobsonConLaw | CUNY |
Daniel B. | Rodriguez | DeanDBRodriguez | Northwestern |
Brendan | Roediger | RoedigerBrendan | St. Louis University |
Sarah | Rogerson | RogersonSarah | Albany |
Jennifer Murphy | Romig | JenniferMRomig | Emory |
Jeffrey | Rosen | RosenJeffrey | George Washington |
Darren | Rosenblum | DarrenRosenblum | Pace |
Catherine J. | Ross | catherinejross_ | George Washington |
Leonard | Rotman | ProfRotman | Dalhousie |
Phil | Rumney | phil_rumney | UWE |
Stephen | Rushin | StephenRushin | Illinois |
Tom | Russell | houseofrussell | Denver |
Meghan | Ryan | MeghanJRyan | SMU |
Matthew | Sag | matthewsag | Loyola Chicago |
Patricia | Salkin | DeanSalkin | Touro |
Steve | Saltzburg | stevesaltzburg | George Washington |
Sara | Sampson | SaraSampson8 | Ohio State |
Chris | Sanchirico | ChrisSanchirico | Penn |
Steve | Sanders | SteveSSanders | Michigan |
Peter | Sankoff | petersankoff | Alberta |
Margaret | Satterthwaite | SatterthwaiteML | NYU |
Cheryl | Saunders | CherylSaunders1 | Melbourne |
Susan | Scafidi | CounterfeitChic | Fordham |
Margo | Schlanger | mjschlanger | Michigan |
Naomi | Schoenbaum | nschoenbaum | George Washington |
Steve | Schooner | ProfSchooner | George Washington |
Jason | Schultz | LawGeek | NYU |
Colin | Scott | ColizScott | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Michael | Scott | PrivacyLaw | Southwestern |
Paul F. | Scott | PaulFScott | Univ Southampton |
Ryan | Scoville | ryanscoville | Marquette |
Christopher | Seaman | cbseaman | Washington & Lee |
Paul | Secunda | psecundaWrkProf | Marquette |
Eric | Segall | espinsegall | Georgia State |
Houman | Shadab | HoumanShadab | New York Law School |
Daniel J. | Sharfstein | dsharfstein | Vanderbilt |
Lea | Shaver | leashaver | Hofstra |
Anna | Shavers | ambersmother | Nebraska |
Jacob | Sherkow | jsherkow | New York Law School |
Richard | Sherwin | RKSherwin | New York Law School |
Dawinder "Dave" | Sidhu | profsidhu | New Mexico |
Andrew | Siegel | Amsprof | Seattle |
Ross | Silverman | phlu | Southern Illinois |
Winona | Singel | wsingel | Michigan State |
Gordon | Smith | professor_smith | BYU |
Peter | Smith | ProfPJSmith | George Washington |
Judd | Sneirson | juddsneirson | Savannah |
Dan | Solove | DanielSolove | George Washington |
Larry | Solum | lsolum | Georgetown |
Lorne | Sossin | DeanSossin | Osgoode |
Ciara Torres | Spelliscy | ProfCiara | Stetson |
Christopher | Sprigman | CJSprigman | NYU |
Joanne | St. Lewis | firing_control | Ottawa |
Colin | Starger | ColinStarger | Baltimore |
Matt | Steilen | MJSteilen | SUNY Buffalo |
Adam | Steinman | Adam_Steinman | Alabama |
Fenner | Stewart | fennerstewart | Calgary |
Ruth | Stirton | RuthStirton | Sheffield (UK) |
Lior | Strahilevitz | liorjs | Chicago |
Anna | Su | riceysu | Toronto |
Cass | Sunstein | CassSunstein | Harvard |
Harry | Surden | HarrySurden | Colorado |
Kate | Sutherland | LawandLit | Osgoode Hall |
Kara | Swanson | KaraWSwanson | Northeastern |
Peter | Swire | peterpswire | Ohio State |
Susannah | Tahk | susannahtahk | Wisconsin |
Karen | Tani | kmtani | Berkeley |
Jennifer | Taub | jentaub | Vermont |
Myra | Tawfik | colonialip | Windsor (Canada) |
Aaron N. | Taylor | TheEdLawProf | St. Louis University |
Kim | Taylor-Thompson | KTTnyu | NYU |
Zephyr | Teachout | ZephyrTeachout | Fordham |
Ruti | Teitel | rutiteitel | NYLS |
Hollee | Temple | holleeinbalance | West Virginia |
Nicholas | Terry | nicolasterry | Indiana-McKinney |
Adam | Thimmesch | AdamThimmesch | Nebraska |
Kathleen | Thomas | ProfessorMcTax | North Carolina |
Anthony C. | Thompson | TonyThompson | NYU |
David | Thomson | dicthomson | Denver |
Beth | Thornburg | btSMU | SMU |
Liam | Thornton | DrLiamT | Univ College Dublin Sutherland |
Jessica | Tillipman | Jtillipman | George Washington |
Timothy | Todd | LawProfTodd | Liberty |
Franita | Tolson | ProfTolson | Florida State |
Kellie | Toole | KellieToole | Adelaide |
Jonathan | Turley | JonathanTurley | George Washington |
Christian | Turner | christor | Georgia |
Rebecca | Tushnet | rtushnet | Georgetown |
Christopher | Tyson | chrisjtyson | Louisiana State |
Jeffrey | Vagle | jvagle | Penn |
Barbara | van Schewick | vanschewick | Stanford |
Rob | Vischer | DeanVischer | Univ St. Thomas (MN) |
Steve | Vladeck | steve_vladeck | American |
David | Wagner | david_m_wagner | Regent |
Polk | Wagner | PolkWagner | Penn |
Ari Ezra | Waldman | ariezrawaldman | Cal Western |
Jeremy | Waldron | JeremyJWaldron | NYU |
Christopher J. | Walker | chris_j_walker | Ohio State |
David | Walker | DayvidWalker | Lincoln Memorial |
Anders | Walker | AndersWalker | St. Louis University |
Stephen | Ware | ProfStephenWare | Kansas |
Kimberlee | Weatherall | kim_weatherall | Sydney (Aus.) |
Jessica Dixon | Weaver | ProfJDWeaver | SMU |
Phil | Weiser | pweiser | Colorado |
Joshua | Weishart | joshuaweishart | West Virginia |
Sonja | West | sonjarwest | Georgia |
Jay | Wexler | SCOTUSHUMOR | Boston University |
Lesley | Wexler | lesley_wexler | Illinois |
Darius | Whelan | dariuswirl | UCC Cork (Ire) |
Adam | Winkler | adamwinkler | UCLA |
Diana | Winters | diana300 | Indiana-McKinney |
Mark | Wojcik | markewojcik | John Marshall (Chicago) |
Michael | Wolff | MikeWolffSLU | St. Louis University |
Mary | Wong | marymagistra | UNH |
Kevin | Woodson | unyoung_ | Drexel |
Andy | Wright | AndyMcCanse | Savannah |
Joshua | Wright | Josh_D_Wright | George Mason |
Ronald | Wright | wrightrf | Wake Forest |
Tim | Wu | superwuster | Columbia |
Jane | Yakowitz | JaneYakowitz | Arizona |
David | Yassky | DavidYassky | Pace |
Michael | Yelnosky | myelnosky | Roger Williams |
Kenji | Yoshino | kenji_yoshino | NYU |
Corey Rayburn | Yung | CoreyRYung | Kansas |
Rebecca | Zeitlow | ProfessorRZ | Toledo |
Sandi | Zellmer | SandraZellmer | Nebraska |
David | Ziff | djsziff | Univ Washington |
Jonathan | Zittrain | zittrain | Harvard |
Christopher | Zorn | prisonrodeo | Penn State |
Marcia | Zug | ProfZug | South Carolina |
David Case. @dwcase. Mississippi.
Posted by: David Case | January 06, 2015 at 10:16 PM
Gus Hurwitz. @GusHurwitz. Nebraska.
Posted by: Gus Hurwitz | January 06, 2015 at 10:25 PM
Orin Kerr @orinkerr GW
BTW, I looked at the ten lawprofs who I followed most recently on Twitter, and only one out of the ten is on this list. I think the number of lawprofs on Twitter has really exploded in the last year.
Posted by: Orin Kerr | January 06, 2015 at 10:59 PM
David Cleveland @ProfCleveland. Valparaiso
Posted by: DC | January 06, 2015 at 11:03 PM
Kristen Holmquist, @kleighholmquist - Berkeley Law (lecturer)
Posted by: Kristen Holmquist | January 06, 2015 at 11:30 PM
David Ziff @djsziff University of Washington School of Law
Posted by: David Ziff | January 07, 2015 at 12:15 AM
James Grimmelmann @grimmelm Maryland
Posted by: James Grimmelmann | January 07, 2015 at 12:36 AM
I'm already on the list (@PatentScholar), but just wanted to add that it would be even better if you or someone else transferred this list from here to a Twitter list. Then it would be easy for other people to subscribe to the list (I'd add it in one of my TweetDeck columns) and to follow individual profs. NYU Law Review has a list here, which someone really ambitious could cross-check with the people above: https://twitter.com/nyulawreview/lists/law-profs/members (But I know that even updating the list here is a big undertaking!)
Posted by: Lisa Ouellette | January 07, 2015 at 01:44 AM
That list Is already really long. I didn't realize how poplar Twitter is among legal academics. This leads to another question: is there a recent census of law professor bloggers?
Posted by: Al Brophy | January 07, 2015 at 01:50 AM
Dave Sidhu @profsidhu New Mexico
Posted by: Dave Sidhu | January 07, 2015 at 02:28 AM
Leonard Rotman, @ProfRotman - Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Posted by: ProfessorRotman | January 07, 2015 at 03:50 AM
You can add me. Kevin Heller, @kevinjonheller, SOAS, University of London.
Posted by: Kevin Jon Heller | January 07, 2015 at 05:12 AM
I have moved from Regent Law to Belmont's business school, though I occasionally teach in Belmont's law school. Your call on whether I should still be on this list. @HaskellMurray
Also, inspired by your earlier list, I created a list of business law professors, with a very broad definition of "business law." As noted, that list includes professors who teach law at law schools and professors who teach law at business schools. http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/business_law/2013/11/business-law-professors-on-twitter.html
Posted by: Haskell Murray | January 07, 2015 at 08:04 AM
Also, anyone who would like to be included on or removed from the business law professors on Twitter list can e-mail me. The current list is here: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/business_law/2013/11/business-law-professors-on-twitter.html
Posted by: Haskell Murray | January 07, 2015 at 08:14 AM
Please add me to the list - @odowdt I'm at @UCDLawSchool (Dublin, Ireland). There are at least 12 other legal academics here who are on Twitter and I will circulate them to let them know about the census. We are sometimes confused with @UCDavisLaw - which is OK, as we have a very good exchange programme with them!
Posted by: Odowdt | January 07, 2015 at 09:04 AM
Jill Goldenziel @JillGoldenziel BU Law
Posted by: Jill Goldenziel | January 07, 2015 at 09:13 AM
1. Stefan Padfield, @ProfPadfield, Akron
2. Tracy Thomas, @ProfTracyThomas, Akron
Posted by: Stefan Padfield | January 07, 2015 at 09:18 AM
Jennifer Collins, @jmcollinsSMULaw, SMU
Posted by: Jennifer Collins | January 07, 2015 at 09:26 AM
TJ McIntyre, @tjmcintyre, University College Dublin Sutherland School of Law
Posted by: TJ McIntyre | January 07, 2015 at 09:27 AM
Andrew Siegel, @Amsprof, Seattle U
Posted by: Andrew Siegel | January 07, 2015 at 09:28 AM