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January 02, 2015


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D. Daniel Sokol

Mike was a wonderful colleague - smart, warm, funny and someone who had good instincts on faculty matters. He often talked about his family and how much he loved them. From what I heard from the students, he was a fantastic teacher. You got a sense of this interacting with Mike and in watching him interact with the students. Mike was a real mensch and I miss him.

Andrew Strauss

I was a college classmate at Princeton of Mike's, and I want to say that I feel very privileged to have known him. Though Mike died too young, his life was well lived. I spoke to him not very long before his death, and he told me that looking back on his life, he had a beautiful and loving family and great career and that he wouldn't have done anything differently. What a wonderful way to feel, and I know how much he meant it. I too will miss him.

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