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December 18, 2014


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Nathan A

Wow! Now that's a view. Eugene, OR?



terry malloy

Google image search really takes the fun out of this.

Jacqueline Lipton

Nope and nope. Not Eugene, nor Canberra.
I'm sticking with U.S. college towns for now.


Boulder, Colorado?


Based on the architecture & agriculture, I'm thinking somewhere in California. I want to guess Santa Barbara, but I don't think that's correct.

Nathan A

I didn't think Google image search got it right because the place just looks so lush. Definitely a photo taken during better times.

Suzanna Sherry

Cal Poly -- San Luis Obispo.

jacqui lipton

Yes, Suzanna! You got it.

Jacqueline Lipton

Future rules may have to be NO use of Google search allowed - on the honor system ...


All one needs to do is hover the mouse over the picture, and the name appears.

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