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November 07, 2014


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Michael Risch

Cool. As the number of classes that require clickers goes up, the amortized cost goes down. I require them in contracts (a sizable chunk of the class) and IP Survey (another, overlapping chunk), a colleague does in evidence (much of the class), etc.

That said, I may try to add the phone clicker as well. My issue with the polls, etc., is that it is harder to incorporate into my powerpoints, and thus not as portable for my purposes (but more portable, I would think, for other purposes).

Marian Dent

CALI also has a polling function called Instapoll which is free since most law schools already have a CALI subscription. You go to this site and create a poll on your computer or phone, tell students the number of the poll. Students go to the site and type in the number of your poll and then respond. The results appear on your screen, which you can project for the class.

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