Last evening I was re-reading Grapes of Wrath and was surprised to see that Grandpa Joad died on the day he left the farm. For some reason I'd thought he'd lived longer than that. Anyway, much to my surprise I see that he died when the family stopped for the evening somewhere just west of Bethany, Oklahoma. That means that he must have passed away right around the Canadian River. Well... it just so happens that I have a picture of the Route 66 bridge that spans the Canadian River.
I remember the burial scene well -- and even used it in an article a few years back on the right of access to graves on private property. But I'd forgotten about the place of his death; and I'd forgotten some of the other details, too -- like the yellow gas stations. I'll post some pictures of company gas stations along Route 66 soon.
Here is Woody Guthrie's description of the death of Grandpa Joad:
Now, the twelve of the Joads made a mighty heavy load/
But Grandpa Joad did cry./
He picked up a handful of land in his hand,/
Said: "I'm stayin' with the farm till I die./
Yes, I'm stayin' with the farm till I die."
They fed him short ribs and coffee and soothing syrup;/
And Grandpa Joad did die./
They buried Grandpa Joad by the side of the road,/
Grandma on the California side,/
They buried Grandma on the California side.
Posted by: Steve Lubet | November 13, 2014 at 07:24 AM