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August 01, 2014


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It's the Laurel Grove Cemetery in Savannah, GA. Democrat Henry Rootes Jackson (U.S. district attorney, minister to Austria, Mexican War veteran, newspaper editor, member of the prosecution team in the slave ship Wanderer case, sometime poet, and brigadier general in the Confederate army) spoke at the dedication. You can read his Tallulah: And Other Poems at

Alfred Brophy

Very, very nicely done CPM. That was a lot harder than it looks, because I don't know how many images there are of that house as part of the Laurel Grove Cemetery. (The Spanish moss might have been a good hint.) And what I had not realized when I went in search of Laurel Grove Cemetery is that there are two of them in Savannah -- Laurel Grove South was founded for people of African descent and Laurel Grove North was founded for white people. Down the road I hope to post a few more pictures of the two Laurel Grove cemeteries.

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