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July 10, 2014


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Brian Clarke

Fairly confident it is William Faulkner based on the prose, no clue from what.

Brian Clarke

And purely a guess as to the second part, there were certainly many in the 1900s and, still today, for whom the idea that "The South," the Confederacy, and the "ideals" [which in their minds did not include slavery explicitly] for which the South fought are far from "Gone with the Win." The idea that a southerner penned a book (turned into a film) suggesting that Southern whites would simply get up, work hard and "surrender" to the victors was, I would imagine, distasteful if not downright offensive to these folks.

Alfred L. Brophy

Yes, Brian! Right -- and it's from Requiem for a Nun. Now, as to the GWTW part. Apparently some women found the mention of Sherman too much and walked out (or talked about walking out).

James Taylor

My father was doing some genealogy along about 1980 and discovered a connection to one Taylor Sherman. When he told his aunt, she huffed, "You can claim kin to General Sherman if you want to. I'd rather be a bastard!"

We have a picture of one of my many-greats uncles in his uniform as regimental surgeon of the 7th Alabama Infantry. My female grandchildren are all eligible to join both the DAR and the UDC. Guess which they choose.

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