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May 20, 2014


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"Faculty members at the company's school in Arizona sued InfiLaw for breach of contract and defrauding students. Its school in Florida was sued for misrepresenting claims about its students' success and job placement."

"A majority of the committee agreed with Natasha Hanna, a Myrtle Beach attorney who serves on the commission, that lawsuits against two of the company's schools could pose problems for the entity down the road."

"Hanna also said that public hearings and news stories were enough to cause 'great concerns about the reputation and character of the applicant,' she said."

This is just too delicious. There are no words to describe how pleasing it will be to read the comments by law professors here in the FL praising this decision.


Hopefully, the full commission will adopt the committee's recommendation. At the least, a reduction in regional competition would not be helpful.

Curious to know whether InfiLaw's contract with CSL's Board cover this possibility...

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