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April 11, 2014


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I believe it's the Duplin County Courthouse in Kenansville, NC.

Alfred L. Brophy

You're right, as always, Owen. I went there earlier in the semester because I wanted to see Kenansville and also Duplin County. This is the place where several slaves were tried in the wake of the Nat Turner rebellion. There was a panic in Duplin County and neighboring Sampson County that some slaves were, like Turner, planning rebellion. Some of the suspected slaves were tortured into confessions -- and then when there was a rumor that slaves were coming to free them, the accused (and I guess they were convicted at this point) were summarily executed. One observer wrote about this in a letter to his family:

When we first got the news of the negro army we heard they were marching directly to our Jail to rescue Dave & Jim who was designated as Genl & Col—but a company who were there would have prevented the rescue, for they were immediately brought out, shot down, their heads severed from their bodies, & elevated in the air. This affair has caused rigid treatment to negroes generally, & I flatter myself it will do good—hoping that it may, I quit the subject & pass on.

I write about this more in the Nat Turner trials:

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