The European Institute at the University College London is soliciting papers for a workshop scheduled for March 2015 that aims "to explore what political theorists can contribute to ... preparation" for reparations claims. They are looking for 1500 word essays by July 1 that will address one of three key questions:
- What is in need of repair? (‘Problems’)
- What is the case for repair / the reply to the case against repair? (‘Principles’)
- What should repair look like? (‘Policies’)
Cribbing now from their webpage:
This workshop is part of a longer-term, experimental project, aimed at the co-production of knowledge, by academics and activists who collaborate in their work on reparations. In this way, this workshop contributes to the recently established African Reparations Transnational Community of Practice (ARTCoP). ARTCoP will help UCL develop its engagement with, and its accountability to, African heritage communities in London. For this reason, a representative of UCL will provide ARTCoP with a monthly report on this project. This workshop is the first of three events helping to prepare this Community of Practice to engage with CARICOM’s claim for reparations from Europe.
The structure of this one-day-long MANCEPT workshop is to invite six ‘scholars’ and six ‘stakeholders’ to discuss the ideas of each participant and to air ideas about how, in future, we can work together. Following this MANCEPT workshop, if the participants are interested in continuing this work, they will be paired up to produce joint, or complementary, presentations, to be presented to the public, in December 2014, at a meeting funded by UCL’s European Institute. In March 2015, UCL’s Equiano Centre will host a one-day-long workshop, where the work—now revised in light of public scrutiny—can be presented to an academic audience, and where we can reflect critically on the process and methodology of the co-production of knowledge. We will seek to publish the results of this experimental process, in an online, open-source volume, with UCL Press.
More details are available at the webpage, "No reparation without preparation."
As long-time readers of faculty lounge may recall, I am interested in the resurgence of reparations claims and I think this is yet another sign that there is a great desire to talk about the moral case for reparations. It's time, again, to reconsider reparations as well as some conceptual and legal problems in reparations.