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April 04, 2014


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John Steele

His name is Gonzales.

Lois Turner

Ghastly man becomes dean of ghastly law school.


Out of curiosity, what makes Belmont a "ghastly" law school?

There was a similar comment over on TaxProf blog with no explanation offered there either.

Beth Jones

Belmont has already bested almost half the ABA schools in median LSAT. We will have to wait to see what they do on the bar exam and in job placement. My guess is that they are far from the bottom of law schools even though they have only been around for less than three years. It is true that the worst law schools are very bad and some should be shut down, but there are at least 50 schools that are significantly worse places than Belmont.


Will the Dean be teaching a course on professionalism and ethics? Perhaps he and Holder can team teach a course on an attorney's professional obligations while testifying before Congress under oath...

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