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February 23, 2014


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Is this parody? Sometimes humor doesn't translate well on the internet. If it is parody, I must be missing the joke?


Noone has made the argument before because it is likely deemed insensitive in some eyes and offensive in others. And at least the students get a true education for their "voluntary" labor.


In fairness to the poster, the comparison is not between slavery and NCAA, but post-slavery Jim Crow and the NCAA. Nevertheless, I do not think it works without much more analysis. Agricultural work, 1877-1940, was about the only realistic opportunity, except moving North, which was itself legally restricted. College athletes can do a lot of other things, such as, for instance, just going to school, working somewhere else in a non-athletic capacity or joining a minor professional league. I think the comparison is more like to associates in law firms or analysts in investment banks, who are compensated enough to make them do the job voluntarily, in part for the opportunity for a larger payday in the unlikely event that their status changes, but not enough so they get the lion's share of the reward right now. But if they were paid the lion's share of the surplus right now, there would be no big time college athletics. No great loss, in my book. But it is not clear that abolition would improve things for the college athletes.

Black Law Grad

How is what the NCAA does to people of color different than what law schools do to people of color? Law schools use reverse robin hood scholarships to move up in us news with minorities and the poor paying higher tuition to make those scholarships possible. Law schools recruit minority students they know will never pass the bar or get jobs so that they can fill seats. Law schools fool people of color to take out loans when they know most of the students will never be able to pay them back. Law schools are exploiting minorities worse than the NCAA. At least the student athletes are not way in debt when school is over.

Martha M.

Today's law schools=the Jim Crow South’s economic regulation of blacks.

Eric Muller

Don't forget the opportunity for higher education, which is common to both systems except Jim Crow.



"College athletes can do a lot of other things, such as, for instance, just going to school, working somewhere else in a non-athletic capacity or joining a minor professional league. "

So could blacks under Jim Crow. They could move to other states (legally or illegally), live waaaaaay out in the woods, etc.

In the end, people were quite systematically screwed over, for profit, with specious and fraudulent justifications given.

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