But he wrote a spunky parody of someone who might have toked up with David Brooks (Radnor High Class of '79.) (If you're that person who hasn't yet read Brooks' takedown of legalized marijuana, run, don't walk, here.)
Brooks supports policies that work quite well for white, middle-class stoners and not-so-much for many other people. Tressie McMillan Cottom takes that issue on over at Slate. The problem, of course, is that for the last century we've chosen prosecution and incarceration, along with collateral sanctions, as the methods of sustaining anti-drug norms. We could frown on drugs in other ways - high taxes, for example, or anti-drug PR campaigns. We could invest in treating drug use. We could preach against drugs in church. Brooks seems to prefer the New Jim Crow.
Photo from BuzzFeed Politics.
Do Colorado and Washington have a plan to release all those minorities encarcerated for toking?
Posted by: Jimbino | January 06, 2014 at 12:52 PM