My colleague Anil Kalhan, as well as Mike Dorf, have had some interesting posts recently following the bizzaro unfolding of the high profile New York stop and frisk litigation. For those who haven't been following it, Judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that New York's stop and frisk policy was improperly using racial profiles. On appeal, a three judge panel on the Second Circuit rapidly issued an order staying the decision and removing Judge Scheindlin from the case (although neither party had requested this remedy or briefed the issue.) Anil's posts are here and here and Mike's is here. The Second Circuit panel was Cabranes, Walker and Parker.
“Stop and Frisk” is a breach of civil rights for anyone stopped, regardless of their race. The actions and abuse by the NYPD are filling the very definition of a “Police State” where citizens are under never ending scrutiny in order for cops meet a quota designed to turn profits. You can read much more about our Justice System running amok and how they’ve violated civil liberties across the country in the name of the almighty dollar at
Posted by: Dregstudios | November 13, 2013 at 07:13 PM