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January 24, 2013


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Alfred Brophy

This is very, very great.

Vicky Saker Woeste

I can't wait to run some of my prose through Up Goer!

Tamara Piety

It is very, very great!

James Grimmelmann

I did the Up-Goer Five thing with the paper I have been working on. Here is what I came up with.

This would be a good thing to do with students to help them learn how to write well in a way that they (and we) will enjoy.

James Grimmelmann

Oh, no! It took out the thing that tells you where the other thing that I wrote is. It is in the place where I put lots of things that I write. Search for my name and it is easy to find.

Matthew Reid Krell

My dissertation elevator speech, Up Goer-ed. Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

"When people decide to take things from each other, they do a thing where they take it, and then they pay for it. Usually someone decides to let the people take the thing and pay for it, but sometimes they don't. If that happens, the people who want to take the thing, if they are the people who run things, can make the owner let them take it and pay. But sometimes, the people who run things decide they don't want to make the owner let them take it and pay. This book is about how people decide to take or not to take."

Michael Risch

Well, I'm out at patent...

Michelle Meyer

@Michael: I had the same experience with "anxiety." And "anthropology," and "finitude," and "transcendence," and....

Try again. By "patent," you just mean "a right that the state gives to people who make new things that help all of us so that they and others like them will make more new things that help all of us" -- or whatever (needless to say, if you take a darker view of patents you might word this a bit differently).

If you're really stuck, click on the Hint link in the text editor, which will tell you how to use proper names (use Mr. or Ms. as a prefix) and jargon (put the word in quotes). Judicious use of these techniques (which I didn't discover until after I'd finished) can make for a better product (i.e., one that is appropriately simple and transparent, rather than awkwardly using 20 words in the place of one fairly common word that just doesn't happen to be in the top 1000).

Michelle Meyer

@Matthew: Um, something, something, something, eminent domain?

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