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December 25, 2012


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Michael Kors Bags

Actually This post is exactly what I am interested. we need some more good information.

Steve Garland

I'll take a shot that it is the Antioch Baptist Church marked by Virginia Historical marker U0-6 (aka Raccoon Swamp Meetinghouse) perhaps famous (though not on the marker) as the location where the witness "Beck" in a trial of slaves implicated in the Nat Turner rebellion said she overheard the conspiracy (or so my limited Google search reveals, with appropriate Internet caveats). Have enjoyed seeing these and have wanted to try my hand at tracking down a photo since you used Bob Fleck's Oak Knoll Books some time ago.

Alfred Brophy

You got it Steve! Congratulations. Right on the church (the former Raccoon Swamp Meetinghouse) -- now the Antioch Baptist Church, in Yale, Virginia -- and on the importance of the place (where Beck is supposed to have heard talk of rebellion the spring before Nat Turner's August 1831 rebellion). I took this picture last week on the way home from Chapel Hill. It's in a beautiful part of Virginia, but it's mighty remote. Soon I'm going to be talking about Beck, the people whose testimony she sent to the gallows, and the lawyers who defended them.

Again, Steve, congratulations.

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