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November 15, 2012


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Ugg Boot Sale

Very good, very interesting, and I really like


Lawful permanent residents may be deported at any time for any reason Congress deems appropriate, including for exercizing First Amendment rights, Galvan v. Press, 347 U.S. 522 (1954), or because they are members of an undesirable race. Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698 (1893). So I am fairly confident that they could be deported for advocating secession. Hard to imagine why they would, though.

Sick of Stupidity

I'm like this, if these folks who want secession to happen is so upset, why don't they just leave the country? Sure, everybody has a right to freedom of speech, but to threaten to secede just because the person you voted for didn't get into the White House? Seriously? If that was the case, secession should have been spoken of back in 2000 & 2004 when things were really bad. I wish these people who signed this joke of a petition would grow up, get over the fact that their man lost, and everybody put their heads together so we can all figure out solutions to the country's problems. That's not moving forward people, that's really kicking things in reverse.


The essay The Secession Amendment can be purchased on Amazon as an ebook. If you are serious about wanting to secede, this is a serious discussion on how to do it. Signing a petition is only a form of protest.


There's no right to secession in the text per the Court. Why's that a game-changer? Do my rights issue from a text? Certainly my bodily power does not issue from a text. My ability to move myself does not issue from a text. My ability to reason does not issue from a text. The Civil War wasn't a couple a pages on one side versus a couple of pages on the other, and let's see who crumples first. If rights are just power, there's always a right to secession. If rights are not just power, but are some species of right-thinking, compelled by the rule of reason or compelled by the structure of logic and premises chosen, then I might have a right to secede that judges or presidents or military leaders do not recognize because they are dishonest or stupid. In any event, should some state come to demand it in seriousness, I have no doubt that Texas v White will not decide the matter.

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