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November 05, 2012


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I've been meaning to let you know about a terrifically interesting monument I saw in Belfast just a few weeks ago. As you know, I'm visiting in Ireland this year. I had visited the Titanic Museum, which is very interesting but I felt that it paid insufficient attention to negligence and, more importantly, to those who lost their lives.

As part of the Belfast Festival, a Brazilian artist named Nele Azevedo produced what she calls a "minimum monument." Members of the public, including my family and I, helped her install 1,517 little ice sculptures of sitting figures on the steps of the Custom house. (See the linked BBC story below.) The figures all sat together on the steps and then melted away, leaning into each other and making a little bit of noise as they disappeared.

This was remarkably powerful and interesting. Azevedo's minimum monument made me feel better about Belfast its history of Titanic.

For the BBC story, see: I also have a picture up on my FB page.

Tom Russell

Bill Turnier

Tom, thanks for telling us about the melting monument. The BBC story had nice pictures. It must have been moving to see it happen. The story alone is very moving.

Alfred Brophy

That's awesome, Tom. Very interesting story and form of remembering.


meaning to let you know about a terrifically interesting monument I saw in Belfast just a few weeks ago. As you know, I'm visiting in Ireland this year. I had visited the Titanic Museum, which is very interesting but I felt that it paid insufficient attention to negligence and, more impor


"substantial progress." Most of the rules will be finalized by 2012, according to a January 12, 2012, report from CNBC. Issues remaining and under discussion are deri

St. Petersburg Personal Injury Lawyer

That’s certainly an art. Some people really feel something deep in their heart and when they come up with any physical proof of that, the thing is simply a masterpiece most of the time. Once again, a great monument with touching story.

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