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October 10, 2012


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Norman Williams

There is a priceless symmetry here: the ABA standards are based largely upon the educational programs at the "national" law schools that attract and place students across the nation. Those standards basically force smaller, regional schools to model their programs on the larger, national schools ("Just be like Harvard"). Yet it is the national schools that are most likely to suffer from state-by-state regulation; regional schools that place most of their graduates in one or two states will find it no more burdensome to comply with state regulation than the ABA process. Excuse the schadenfreud, but this is what the national schools, who've used the ABA system to stifle innovation and competition, deserve.

Lloyd Mayer

I believe the Indiana requirement ("has completed in an approved school of law two cumulative semester hours of legal ethics or professional responsibility") is for two CREDITS of legal ethics or professional responsibility, not two SEMESTERS.

Orin Kerr

The problem with the argument, I think, is that New York added this requirement at a time that the ABA's standards have remained constant. That is, we have the ABA's unnecessary and expensive regulations, and then the New York bar added its own unnecessary and expensive regulations. I'm not sure why that creates an argument that we should not want to get rid of the ABA's unnecessary and expensive regulations.


Is the proliferation of these state-by-state rules a result of the problems in the absence of transparency reflected in law schools correcting their hiring data?

Are state bars more concerned than before that the ABA is not properly executing its responsibility as the law school accreditation body?

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