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August 28, 2012


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Stephanie Farrior

The census of regular law bloggers should include Dr. Eileen Kane of Penn State-Dickinson School of Law, who has been using her training in science (PhD in Molecular Biology) and in law (JD degree) to write some fascinating posts on her blog:

KaneBioLaw -- law, policy & biotechnology/genetics/life science

Jacqueline Lipton

I hate to raise this again given the response last time I raised a similar comment on blogging and legal scholarship, but if indeed there is a correlation between blogging and SSRN downloads, might that not also translate to a correlation between blogging and citation count for the relevant professor?
Others have argued that because blog posts are not counted in citation rankings, they do not likely affect citation counts, but I have suspected there is at least an indirect correlation ie bloggers are able to promote their ideas more readily to a wider audience which leads to wider reading (and likely also citation) of their scholarly papers?

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